Rebel Games
try this jackson.
@unknownuser said:
Because you're too stupid to win?
You were told who the winning side was and still didn't know what to do.
Of course changing the content of the message (even with smilies) changes the tone. I'm sure John has also mastered the use of smilies, but all the
in the world wouldn't magically change the phrase "Because you're too stupid to win?" in reference to Hungary having been repeatedly invaded by Russia into anything other than a personal and/or racial insult.
No John, I'm not accusing you of being a racist, but that comment could certainly be perceived that way.
@jackson said:
Bloody hell John, that just sounded obnoxious. What have Gaieus and/or Hungary done to you? If it was meant humourously, I don't get it.
Neither Gaieus or Hungary has ever done anything to me.
I'll try and explain.
The original poster wants a collaborative art project. In this project, he wants a sci-fi scenario that turns the Hollywood staple of the USA always winning on its head. Russia will be the victor in this story.
Gaieus jumps in, says he hates the story and is sick of his country losing all the time and being invaded. "why not once in the history of the last say 500 years let us be on the winning side?"
Hungary could easily be on the winning side if it simply sides with Russia in the story. As this story has yet to be written, Hungary could be the hero of the story. Hungary could be the reason the good Russians defeat the evil Americans.
But instead of that Gaieus decides he doesn't want to be in. He's whining about 500 years of always being on the losing side. Whining about being on the losing side when you know the score in advance is a bit stupid, isn't it?
I was thinking of appearing in the game as a diplomat, but I guess I've just lost the role.
@jackson said:
No John, I'm not accusing you of being a racist, but that comment could certainly be perceived that way.
@marian said:
I second the motion...Yuk Russia
@ely862me said:
@unknownuser said: defending vodka!
Sigh guys. I did understand that John was not calling me stupid and was only joking although I have to admit Jackson has a point that it could've been perceived that way...
Let's talk about the movie instead.
I hope the project goes well, but to tell you the truth, the only people that know how to use Sketchup well in our group is me and a friend of mine. The rest help out, but it's not the kind of help we need.
Count me in. But only if the movie will have transvestite aliens and Russia is lead by lesbian amazons, preferrably two-headed.
If so, I sign up.That is, if it fits my agenda shooting those other movies I am doing. 'Greek Zombies From Afghanistan' will be a blast. Look out for that one. The zombies win.
I'm guessing you had something to do with this one too then:
Check out the tag line!
Would it beat this in a cheesy film fight, though?
[flash=560,340:2kqw0qna][/flash:2kqw0qna] -
I saw a clip of that film a couple of days ago, looked promising, but unfortunately I'm not sure it's bad enough to be good (unlike one of my all-time horror-comedy favourites: Kenny Everett's Bloodbath at the House of Death). It's a shame as it's high-time this genre was resurrected... Shaun of the Dead didn't quite do it for me. Where else could you hear the lines:
Q: What's that noise?
A: Sounds like a bunch of monks exploding.
(Lines uttered during a dinner while a bunch of monks explode oustide.)"Nazi zombies" is a sweet tag line though..... because sometimes being a zombie just isn't enough!
The tagline is: "Ein! Zwei! Die!" Brilliant in its simplicity. And it rhymes! Been yelling it for days - much to the dismay of my girlfriend. It's the little things that bring us joy.
'Shaun of the Dead' was mildly amusing, but I liked 'Slither' alot better.
@kwistenbiebel said:
... lead by lesbian amazons, preferrably two-headed.
If so, I sign up.That would be two-headed vampire lesbian amazons..
@kwistenbiebel said:
That is, if it fits my agenda shooting those other movies I am doing. 'Greek Zombies From Afghanistan' will be a blast. Look out for that one. The zombies win.
The zombies always win. How else do you explain politics in pretty much every country?
@kwistenbiebel said:
Count me in. But only if the movie will have transvestite aliens and Russia is lead by lesbian amazons, preferrably two-headed.
If so, I sign up.I don't think that will work too well
Rebel Games is a group I started about a year ago, A member of mine Jesse has posted a blog on this. Though I don't agree with his story about it.
Rebel games started with me, I used to add "Rebel Games" to anything I made, One day I heard about Facebook groups, So I decided I would start a group for fun. I invited all my friends that were interested in the developing side of computers (games, animation, 3D, etc.). As time went by friends invited friends, and a few others got invited, Jesse and Jonathan were the first to join. Jonathan has invited the most people so far.
We are currently trying to make a short movie, it will be about a war in the future (2020-2040, somewhere between there) mainly between Russia and USA. The main plot is USA become a technologically advanced country, and they get greedy and start invading other countries. I know quite a few people won't like this idea, but hey, anything can happen.
I need texturers, riggers, and animators, I also need people skilled in Blender. Send me a message on facebook if you want to join, search "Kentleigh English." My only requirement is that you contribute.
@rebel28 said:
The main plot is USA become a technologically advanced country, and they get greedy and start invading other countries.
Watch the news. The non-fiction might be better than the fiction
....So you are making err a ...documentary !
No, just an action, I may change the story completely, but that idea is staying.
it's difficult to help really until there is a set plan of what is happening.
remember the 5 P's!
Performancepav (pav isn't an extra P, it's my name)
you're right pav_3j I do need to make a plan before I start
i shall be happy to help once a plan is fully established.pav