Rebel Games
I'm guessing you had something to do with this one too then:
Check out the tag line!
Would it beat this in a cheesy film fight, though?
[flash=560,340:2kqw0qna][/flash:2kqw0qna] -
I saw a clip of that film a couple of days ago, looked promising, but unfortunately I'm not sure it's bad enough to be good (unlike one of my all-time horror-comedy favourites: Kenny Everett's Bloodbath at the House of Death). It's a shame as it's high-time this genre was resurrected... Shaun of the Dead didn't quite do it for me. Where else could you hear the lines:
Q: What's that noise?
A: Sounds like a bunch of monks exploding.
(Lines uttered during a dinner while a bunch of monks explode oustide.)"Nazi zombies" is a sweet tag line though..... because sometimes being a zombie just isn't enough!
The tagline is: "Ein! Zwei! Die!" Brilliant in its simplicity. And it rhymes! Been yelling it for days - much to the dismay of my girlfriend. It's the little things that bring us joy.
'Shaun of the Dead' was mildly amusing, but I liked 'Slither' alot better.
@kwistenbiebel said:
... lead by lesbian amazons, preferrably two-headed.
If so, I sign up.That would be two-headed vampire lesbian amazons..
@kwistenbiebel said:
That is, if it fits my agenda shooting those other movies I am doing. 'Greek Zombies From Afghanistan' will be a blast. Look out for that one. The zombies win.
The zombies always win. How else do you explain politics in pretty much every country?
@kwistenbiebel said:
Count me in. But only if the movie will have transvestite aliens and Russia is lead by lesbian amazons, preferrably two-headed.
If so, I sign up.I don't think that will work too well
Rebel Games is a group I started about a year ago, A member of mine Jesse has posted a blog on this. Though I don't agree with his story about it.
Rebel games started with me, I used to add "Rebel Games" to anything I made, One day I heard about Facebook groups, So I decided I would start a group for fun. I invited all my friends that were interested in the developing side of computers (games, animation, 3D, etc.). As time went by friends invited friends, and a few others got invited, Jesse and Jonathan were the first to join. Jonathan has invited the most people so far.
We are currently trying to make a short movie, it will be about a war in the future (2020-2040, somewhere between there) mainly between Russia and USA. The main plot is USA become a technologically advanced country, and they get greedy and start invading other countries. I know quite a few people won't like this idea, but hey, anything can happen.
I need texturers, riggers, and animators, I also need people skilled in Blender. Send me a message on facebook if you want to join, search "Kentleigh English." My only requirement is that you contribute.
@rebel28 said:
The main plot is USA become a technologically advanced country, and they get greedy and start invading other countries.
Watch the news. The non-fiction might be better than the fiction
....So you are making err a ...documentary !
No, just an action, I may change the story completely, but that idea is staying.
it's difficult to help really until there is a set plan of what is happening.
remember the 5 P's!
Performancepav (pav isn't an extra P, it's my name)
you're right pav_3j I do need to make a plan before I start
i shall be happy to help once a plan is fully established.pav
@unknownuser said:
I need texturers, riggers, and animators, I also need people skilled in Blender.
and modellers apparently, don't need much then