[REQUEST]Saving scene properties
I know you can update scene properties but anyone know how to export them?
Does this answer your question?
I haven't used it but it's on my list.
There is no built-in method so you'll need to write a file containing a list of Page attributes and their values.
@dave r said:
Does this answer your question?
I haven't used it but it's on my list.
That's great. I need to talk to Rick somehow as there is a new version in hand. The reason I asked the question (in case you are interested) arose from a conversation with Red, viz:
I think we should stop calling it a document. It is a machine like an ATM that does work people exclusively used to do. Because cgScenes interface moves I don't think it is difficult to see it as a machine but there will be trouble if you describe a cgScene-energised Sketchup model a machine.
But it is; it will provide graphical answers for an owner, architect, engineer, local authority, buyer, logistics person, crane driver, brickie, hotel operator, maintenance man, cleaner ...
More than this any of them can make their own scenes from the same model in the format that suits them best. Maybe some people in similar competences make suitable devices and styles to be used by their colleagues.
Ah but supposing they alter the model.
Well, there should be only one model kept by its owner; what gets passed around are the saved scenes with notes (e.g. in the Scene description box).
Additions or amendments by authorised persons is slightly different but equally simple.
Do you have it on your list for a similar reason? I'd be very interested to hear