Fredoscale plugin is better than sliced bread!
Where do I find this amazing plugin?
And also, do I need to have other plugins installed for it to work? -
Gidon, look here. It was originally called FreeScale but Fredo changed the name in May.
You'll also need the LibFredo6 ruby, you just install it like a normal plugin.
Sorry about the broken link. I must have copied it wrong. Thanks for fixing it, Gai.
I suppose I should have added the link to the LibFredo thread, too. I just assumed Gidon would read about that in the FredoScale thread.
Dave, I tried the link but for some reason when I try to download the files they appear with the sufix "php".
What's a php file?
Even the user manual PDF file comes as a php file.
What am I doing wrong? -
Gidon, did the link I posted and Gai fixed take you to another Forum thread? It should have. At the bottom of the first post in that thread is a file called FredoScale And as Remus pointed out you also need to install the LibFredo6.31f file at his link (which is also mentioned in the first part of Fredo's thread that I linked to.
Dave, my problem is that I'm seeing the file not as a zip or ruby or skp but as php. I have no idea what php is. In fact, no matter what I try to download from the forums appears as a php file.
I'm attaching a screen capture of the kind of message I'm getting. Note the file type.
This is what I got when I clicked on the link in your last post. -
Try downloading it via Internet Explorer instead. It looks to me as if your browser or some add-on is confused.
If you think it's good for alterations to orthogonal geometry you should see what it allows you to do with organic geometry.
It has revolutionised a large part of how I work in SU. Fredo should be made Head of Development and given a big organically formed office at Google SU HQ... pronto!
Don't forget to donate: Tools Menu>Fredo6 Collection>Fredoscale>Donation>Fredo6 at Paypal
No, I'm not on commission; I just think ingenuity, skill and generosity like his deserves reward! Now where's the "We're not worthy" smiley?
OK, OK, OK,,, I've read and reread all posts and I have to say I'm lost as to where and what I would actually need to get Fredoscale plugin..... (Yes,,, I'm also kinda dense.)
So, will someone be kind and post what and were is exactly needed....... It would really clear up my confusion.
Big thanks....
The plugin is an attachment at the bottom of the very first post. Don't forget to read the updated first paragraph of that post and to download the LibFredo6 3.1f files, Fredoscale won't work without them.