Right click > add texture
Is there a rubyscrip that allow one to rightclick on a group / component and then add current matarial to all faces inside ?
I have searched but not found one
Jorgensen -
I don't see how ? Can Remove_CG_mat.rb affect only one object ?
ah. don't think so.
But that's rather simple task though. You really need a plugin for that?
If there where one it would be nice. I could use it - for an example - to change the material on some furniture, that consist of a lot of groups, faces and so...
I've started one, but it's not ready for release yet. I may have to bump its priority. The challenge is nested G/C's...
...and what would expected behaviour of the group/component contains a component further down? should it make it unique? Or affect all others?
Triple click on the model, Right click then select reverse face.
Then "With the whole model selected" use the same material sample and apply it to the model. -
for me it should affect all faces inside the group / component - and all groups and components inside those.
Anyone that has the time to write this script ?