[REQ] Make custom toolbar script
After removing all script from the plugin folder for "debugging" which script caused SU to always quit with an error (it was PlayUp, game exporter by the way) I have struggled for almost an hour to place the toolbar icons the way I had them but no matter what I do they WONT STICK. Aaaaarrrggggh!
Then I thought, couldn´t someone make a script that combined my plugins of choice to one single long toolbar.
Maybe through drag and drop? I know someone put together a custom toolbar but I'm thinking personal custom toolbars.
Possible? -
Have you tried Organizer? (Plugins must be compatible though...)
(Also, have you tried Chris' suggestion in regard to the toolbar issue, ensure that the un-maximised size of the SU window is nearly as large as the maximised size?)
I just downloaded Jim Foltz's toolbar script yesterday and it's great.http://sketchuptips.blogspot.com/2008/06/custom-toolbars-release-08-06-01.html
There you can arrange the icons you want on your own toolbar. But currently, this is only possible by editing a text file and for integration of other plugins, you need to work a little bit.
My strategy was to create one long toolbar for each row, so Sketchup has not the slightest chance to mess them up again. -
I didn't know Jims plugin made Toolbars.
I thought it would look like in the picture on his blog, a gigantic tool window.
Have to try this. -
It makes a gigantic window actually but that's a toolbar window you can attach to your SU window like any toolbars (or detach and let it float aside).
It would be cool to get it to work with plugin tools, too, not only "native" SU tools.
@pixero said:
I didn't know Jims plugin made Toolbars.
@gaieus said:
It makes a gigantic window actually but that's a toolbar window you can attach to your SU window like any toolbars (or detach and let it float aside).
You can have multiple toolbars, of any size - they are the same as any of the built-in toolbars except you set the order of the buttons.
One strategy is to create 2 or 3 wide toolbars so when SU does hiccup, it is easy to put them back.
I integrated a couple of plugins in the toolbar on my pc. (How to do this, see Jim's read-me file) But it's really hard to find out the function that has to be called when clicking the buttons. Especially, when the ruby is encrypted like -->> Kerkythea <<-- .
For further releases, I would like
- automatically scanning the toolbars of other plugins
- right click -> customize and arrange the icons by drag and drop
If I have time and have some more plugins integrated, I can submit it here.
@gaieus said:
It would be cool to get it to work with plugin tools, too, not only "native" SU tools.
Does or doesn't it work with 3rd party plugins?
I copy here the comment inside of Jim's example toolbars:
Example Toolbar File
A toolbar file is simply a text file containing a list of commands you want
to appear on your toolbar. The # symbol denotes a comment and is skipped by the toolbar maker.
The Toolbar filename must end in .txt. The name of the .txt file is used
as the Toolbar name.
Toolbar separators can be created using 3 dashes (---) on a line by themselves.
You can create any reasonable number of custom toolbars, just create another .txt file
in the same folder as this one. All available toolbars will be loaded.
Commands are not case sensitive, but capitals can be used to help readability. For example,
the following commands are identical:
In the toolbar folder, there's a html file that contains the commands that you can insert in your custom toolbar. When you search a bit, you find that they refer to ruby scripts (for each single command) in the files/sketchup/commands subfolder.
So I dublicated such a ruby, edited it and put the icon in the images folder. For example freeScale.rb:cmd = UI::Command.new("FreeScale") { FreeScale.launch false, true }
cmd.small_icon = "../images/freeScale_sm.png"
cmd.large_icon = "../images/freeScale_lg.png"
cmd.tooltip = "Scale with orientation of scaling box"
cmd.status_bar_text = "Scale with orientation of scaling box"
cmd.menu_text = "Scale with orientation of scaling box"
cmd.set_validation_proc { tool_validation_proc"FreeScale.launch") }
@cmd = cmdThe bold phrases need to be edited to make it work. The most difficult thing is to find how the function of a plugin is called. I opened the plugins, searched for 'UI.menu' which creates the toolbar buttons of the original plugin. I don't know what the underlined phrase is for.