New Little Render SU / Maxwell / PS
@sepo said:
Yes I like it a lot. I have suspicion your screen brightness is low. Bit more contrast would certainly make the image to pop out.
That was exactly what I did + cranking up the black a little...
Cheers, Sepo... -
Thanks mate!
Yeah having trouble matching my laptop screen to my desktop monitor! Then there is the problem that if you raise your eyeline a inch all changes. HP laptops GRRRRR!
Ooops - updated the image!
This postprocessing is getting interesting. I would still have more contrast. It seems to me that afternoon sun is low and tops of the trees should be warmer. It would be interesting to hear other people comments as this is really about individual perception. Also hugely depends on monitior calbration or lack of it. I hope Richard would not mind as we all can learn from this.
@sepo said:
This postprocessing is getting interesting. I would still have more contrast. It seems to me that afternoon sun is low and tops of the trees should be warmer. It would be interesting to hear other people comments as this is really about individual perception. Also hugely depends on monitior calbration or lack of it. I hope Richard would not mind as we all can learn from this.
Oh I like this one! Man, that grass is real!!! Great shadows on the house- very believable!
WOW this one looks almost real, only that dark brown colour gives it away for me:P
Richard, Very nice render, and I like the symbolism with the entry. Isn't the drinking age liberal in your part of the world? I hope the family has narrow cars
@troyhome said:
Oh I like this one! Man, that grass is real!!! Great shadows on the house- very believable!
The grass is actually real! I just inserted a photo of a grass patch post pro!
Has this design been built. The gray stucco wing walls on each side of the right garage door seem un-practical. You would not be able to begin maneuvering your car until the front end of your car was clear of those obstructions. They seem to be tight to the garage door so they must only be 8-10 feet apart. I'd be worried that those wing walls would get clipped by a side mirror or something. Nice renders but my functional brain could not let me get past a perceived issue.
Looks great as usual Richard! Are you planning on doing a night render of this at all? Be interesting to see what it looks like with the lights turned on - especially if it had those small knee level lights near the entry that one of your other houses did.
Nice job incorporating the photo images into the rendering.
I've put an update!
Don't want to go too dark given that I still need to see the design stand out a bit amongst the veg and shadows! So bit of a balance! So I've played with all elements to get balance right for slightly different lighting.
BTW we do have very bright sun here!
I cant even tell its a render....truly photorealistic. well done!!
Very nice work Richard.
I would be thinking it was a real photo if it was not on this site!
Thanks guys!
Looks very good.