How about an 'Honour Board' here???
I've noticed since this topic came up that Csaba has changed his avatar. Is he subconsciously telling us something
Hm... And what about Coen? He simply"stole" my avatar (and uses it with minor alterations) and now sometimes I think I must have been drunk to write so much BS until I realise it's not me.
@mike lucey said:
I've noticed since this topic came up that Csaba has changed his avatar. Is he subconsciously telling us something
I guess he took the red pill...
Hm. Don't you like my new avatar? At least that's really me (my photo) - well, a bit "processed".
No I like it. Kind of makes you into Agent Smith.
I'm wondering how you made it. But I expect in the light of the recent avatar war I'm guessing it's classified...
Gaieus, the new avatar is great, but when I first saw it, I swore you were giving us the finger.
@thomthom said:
No I like it. Kind of makes you into Agent Smith.
I'm wondering how you made it. But I expect in the light of the recent avatar war I'm guessing it's classified...
It wasn't really a war, more of a skirmish actually, the rebells are not beaten yet
And I too was wondering how i could get my hands on your classified avatar production blueprints.
Anyway it's a nice one Csaba(that's why we have our eyes on your house). -
Hehe... Thanks guys. it was in fact made of this (only acceptable) image of mine: (nopte that in a "real" portrait, there's always the face and (at least) a hand, too).
So I got bored of the avatar war and invested a bit of time into our favourite search engine but (of course) I now forget what exactly I used s search terms and where I ended up.
But guys, we have been meandering away from Andrews original topic now...
@gaieus said:
"I now forget what exactly I used [a]s search terms, and where I ended up."
Hmmm, might it have been here, where you "ended up"? -
Yeah, I have to admit that's the site as I remember