Making debris and destruction
hey all
Just signed up yesterday and i must say some of the stuff ive seen here is pretty awesome. Anyway i've been using SU off and on for about 2 years now, not really an expert yet but not totally a novice, im sorta like in between novice and intermediate.
Anyway i'm an aspiring comic book artist and yes, like most of us we hate drawing perspective and buildings and such but to me SU has made that aspect fun (with half the work done by SU
) and as some of you might or might not know stuff gets blown up and destroyed in comics and in my demented perfectionist mind i want thing to be "right", accurate or whatever, anyway to the point, i want to know what would be the best way make realistic debris and overall destruction within SU. Is it as simple as say...using the pencil tool to draw out the chunks from a building and detele them? what about if i have a figure punching a car, how can i warp the frame of the car? see what im getting at? Any useful tips in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
try "sketchy physics" it will work great for destroying buildings and stuff!
@xrok1 said:
try "sketchy physics" it will work great for destroying buildings and stuff!
what's that, is that a plug in? where can i get it?
EDIT: never mind, googled it, found it. thnx.
You might also want to try using the move with the autofold (alt) works good for deforming things.
i just installed and played with the sketchyphysics plug in and wow it's pretty cool, still need to get a hang of it properly but i think for what im thinking of using it for it'll really help.