Plugins for SUv7 Basic (not Pro)
I sent a post to, and he suggested it a good idea that I start a thread here on the Newbie site on the subject of plugins for the Basic/Free version of SUv7, not Pro version. Thus,...
I am an intermediate to advanced long time user of SU, currently user of SUv7 Basic/Free version, not the Pro version. I know there are things in the Pro version that I could put to use, but I just can't justify the price, since I am retired and merely an advanced hobbiest in woodworking, and haven't the budget nor real use for the Pro version most of the time.
Anyhow, I am very interested in putting to use some of the plugins that work with SUv7 Basic. Is there a listing and source site anyone might direct me to for those plugins that work in the Basic version, which obviously would work as well in the Pro version. However, the converse is not always true - that is, plugins that work in the Pro version do not always work in the Basic version. And, the blogs never seem clear at the outset whether the procedures are for Basic or Pro, thus I waste a lot of time looking over descriptions and then find the plugin apparently only works in Pro. Besides directing me to a site for such a listing and download, perhaps blogs regarding plugins should begin with a reference to Basic and/or Pro for those of us with only the Basic version of SU. -
I don't know of any plugins that don't work with the free version. There might be some, but they would be very few and far between. That is the reason why blogs and such don't list if a plugin is compatible with the free version - because they are by default.
Fred - Which plugins have you found that don't work with the free version? I have the free version, and I don't remember seeing a plugin I want that doesn't work with SU Free.
Perhaps I'm just not unzipping and pasting the *.rb files properly in my Plugins folder. Also, though, I do see references to Sandbox and other Pro only capabilities/utilities and was assuming they would not work in Basic, because Basic does not have those certain utilities that Pro does. Frankly, I've done a lot since v5 in drawing for my woodworking projects, and have only recently begun seeing the blogs and references to plugins that are becoming more common.
From what I see, those of us who don't wish to program really appreciate the work plugin developers do. I'll just have to revisit my install and paste procedures and perhaps download and start from scratch on the plugins of interest. If I find specifics that I don't find working, I'll certainly post and inquire further. -
That's a good idea. Some plugins that are zipped have files and directories inside. It is important to use a .zip file program that accurately shows the sub directories. My winzip at work does not show any subdirectories, making it impossible to just copy and paste from within that version of winzip to the plugins folder.
Also, I think the sandbox tools are available for everyone, aren't they? Dynamic Components however are new to version 7, and the ability to create them is only available in the Pro version, but the free version of 7 can interact with them.
There are lots of ways that plugins like to hide. Some first need to be turned on in Window>Preferences>Extensions. Then also some need to have their toolbar turned on in View>Toolbars and look for the toolbar and turn it on. But not all plugins have all that built into them.
Then also some scripts just hide in the user interface. Check the plugins menu, tools menu, the mouse right click menu, the draw menu, files menu, etc. They can choose what menu to install themselves to. It can be quite irritating. Good luck!
The Sandbox tools (and a couple of other ones) are still marked as "Pro only" features in the SU Guide for version 6 but that's obsolete and for some reason, they have never changed the "Pro only" tags although almost all those features are available in the free version, too (see below). Note that you may need to activate the Sandbox tools (and some more) in Window > Preferences > Extensions.
In version 5 (when there was an original, @Last SU Pro and Google came out with its free "Beta" version after the acquisition), these features were different - i.e. "Pro only" (I know, I started with that):
- Sandbox tools
- 2D raster image output larger than screen resolution
- Print to scale
- Animation export
- 3D and 2D vector export formats (other than Google Earth kmz)
In version 6 everything but the last (vector exports) was made free but then LayOut and Style Builder was added as Pro only
In version 7 it's still the same as 6 except the additional possibility to edit Dynamic Components.
Now as for Plugins not working in the fre version,I had such experience with ado by Didier but that was back in version 5 where the features of the free version didn't allow some of those (OR I was too lame to make it work). I haven't tried ever since but that was the only one that didn't work for me.