Impossible model piece to twist
Hello all I was wondering if I could get some help with this model im building and there has been a specific part that is killing me to do I spent uncountless hours on it and nothing will work for me I have tried follow me rotate and for the likes of it, it either works half way or the faces spike out of pure dred.
It looks simple but the gun belt in this picture I need to reproduce in sketchup as you can see it dips down and twists and goes to the back compartment I manged to recreated it with a line tool but the plug in doesnt let me finish it off.
Anyone has any idea ? here is my progress so far its almost done except for a little more texturing but thats the only piece that I cannot finish
A couple of things.
First, great model! Looks very good!
Second, to be clear, which is the "gunbelt"? The loopy part on the far left, coming out of the gun?
Third, you mentioned "the plugin". Which plugin?
Fourth, what precisely are you trying to achieve? A circular face follow-me type operation on that loop? So it looks more like a cable?Chris
Gotcha, that is a good picture there of it.
So follow me and rotate is not working on that? Have you tried isolating the line as a component and then going in to edit it so you can block out the rest of the model while you run the plugin? That seems like it might help.
Also, have you gotten follow me and rotate to work on other lines? Just to make sure you are using it correctly?
I have not tried that but I am running it right now as a new model page and messing with it from there what seems to be the problem what I can figure out is I use 2 lines to form the wire I use " Explode Curve" and I join it up again but both curves still not joined and I have tested it over and over it seems that one of the lines works well but when both higlighted either one or both jump and seperate like I moved it out of the way or the 2nd line moves itself to the base face from where I clicked.
Very odd.......the only way I can think of anything is make those 2 lines form a solid line or try to make it into one line but I dont know how thats my only guess
There is a script called weld.rb. It will take the 2 lines and turn them into a single line. Get it at . See if that helps.
I will try it out it seems to wield both lines but I think I need to work with it for a few days but im taking a break from this model for a little while its dissapointing to be almost done and you hit a almost dead end
Well I fiddled with weld and it did work for the most part I had to keep recreating different ways for the line to move beacuse somehow it kept glitching a line and I had to keep erasing a piece but it seemed that if a line wasnt fully touching it would create really bad spikes all over the screen and I managed to get the line able to make a box as I wanted it then I broke the line is in sections and moved it as I wanted as in the picture. its not fully done for that piece, but with a little work it will be done.
Thanks bro I will send pics wen the textures are done if my sketchup doesnt blow up from all the images
Cool, hope you get it finished. It is looking great, and make sure to post pictures in the gallery of it,
Well I finished texturing wanted to throw a update but now there is a new problem ( maybe I should make a new thread for this ) but now come in a new problem the unfolding for my papercraft. For sketchup I had to seperate the whole model into 3 parts and work on them like that and when put back together the textures dont all load up ( I think there are too many ) but thats not the real problem its uploading the textures to pepakura so I can unfold the model when I load up a piece of the model it doesnt show me more than 1 texture and the rest blank.
I looked at alternative unfolding ways I checked out waybe and thats junk my sketchup crashes and the program isnt that great and I looked at the unfolding tool but I dont know how to export it in jpg or bmp form without taking a angled shot and I have to do that to all the pieces the scale is gonna be all wonky.
So in the final process I was wondering if anyone has any ideas or ways I can get pepakura to work its magic?
Hey I am finished with my papercraft its all done and if anyone wants to try it, the link is on my blog happy papercrafting its all textured and instructions inside. Since I had to mess with pepakura alt and managed to get it to work ill probably put a tutorial up on how to work sketchup with pepakura.
Hey thats great, glad you got it worked out!
I look forward to your tutorial about exporting SketchUp to Pepakura if you ever get around to it.
What file format did you use? -
@arail1 said:
I look forward to your tutorial about exporting SketchUp to Pepakura if you ever get around to it.
What file format did you use?
There you go and maybe sunday ill get around to explaining pepakura in some detail and ill paste it up but for right now thats the tut it shows how to fix some problems I sure had some and if there is any more just reply to that thread.