Visual Puns & Puzzles
A simple one to keep the game moving.
tic tac toe?
Excellent, but not what I had in mind.
Think financial.
I'll be at sea from tomorrow night, so might not be able to reply for a while.
"The road to financial independence is strewn with danger." j/k
Bit long even for me, so no, sorry.
I guess I should have moved the feet around a bit more so it looked like they were avoiding something.
Toe Nails?
Footsie 100? [FTSE]
Love it, but No.
Maybe "tack" dance?
Tacks is involved.
And it's kind of a dance, Al Capone is fairly well know for this particular "dance".
That wraps it. Tax (tacks) evasion.
You got it, and just in the nick of time, turning off my computer for a while. Not much connection found in the middle of the North Sea.
(or beas)
the bee's knees?
seeing as it says finest
No but good guess. I had not thought of that.
two be(es) or not two be(es).. that is the question..
[i mean, they definitely look like bees at first glance but upon further inspection...
yes they might be wasps...
or just painted eggs with wings attached... since they have only one body part which niether bees nor wasps have... -
2 bees. . .or not two bees. . .that is the question.