Sounds playing up
My SP sounds keep playing up. I downloaded a model with sounds and even though I had that sound it wouldn't play. I did my own short sound on something and it was fine. I then went on to play the only custom wav file I had on my laptop which was the halo music and it played great apart from it only played when UI was open and then stopped when I closed it. It then started again when the simulation ended and stopped when the simulation started. now its just really confusing me. Just in case it affects it, the halo theme is 1:37 long. Sounds great whenever it does play though.
On windows, the sound feature supposedly doesn't work perfectly.
...But it seems to on macs
its just annoying. cos im doing my own FPS game and wanted a soundtrack in the background. Halo wont ever be the final one unless i do a halo FPS at some point. I wanted gun sounds first though. they play up to. Wait until a fixed version?
...Or you could go out and buy a mac
If you are thinking of uploading it once you can embed files, you won't have too much luck. a 1:30 minute long sound is probably huge in filesize.
I am working on a new sound system that will fix some of the bugs on windows and allow both Mac and Win to play Mp3's that are embedded in the model.
@unknownuser said:
...Or you could go out and buy a mac
As much as I like macs I'm not getting one. No pocket money/paper round or general source of income coupled with high price=out of limits