Would someone be kind enough to explain to a newbie what clipmat is and how to create them in newbie terms
The topic came up in this thread on grass and I was able to make it work in Kerky by following the steps...would rather be taught to fish than just fed .
I'd just like a little more background information and how this would apply to a face me component. I keep getting the rectangle rendering in Kerky and I suspect I would need to create a clipmat to have it render correctly ?
Thanks in advance...great forum!
A clipmat (also called a clip map) tells the render engine which bits of the material to render and which to leave out.
Put simply, the white bits of a clipmap are the bits that will be rendered and the black bits will not be rendered. Some render engines also support shades in between for varying levels of transparency.
making a clip map is simply a case of opening up your favourite image editing software, tracing round your texture, painting the bit you want to keep white and the bit you want to get rid of black.
Im not sure how you go about using the clipmap in kerkythea, though. Im sure they could help you with that over at the kerkythea forum.
Thank you Remus for your prompt description... very helpfull!