Scifi Sketchup Modeling
Hey look, I can see my building from here
. (i know it's not in there just thought i shouldn't waste the joke though
lol well not in that render anyway but dont worry its there. You should have waited haha.
I had to get rid of some of the detail as it was too poly heavy (ive got the whole city docks to do)and I made it a bit thinner as it was too fat for its location, but thanks again its going to be good and fits in well.
Also did one of the ODST pods that will be crashing down into the city, nearly finished.
The dock building marked TRAXUS is from halo 3 and made by UGV2 ive messaged him to see if I can use it for my model but no reply so far, ill wait a bit longer otherwise ill just have to make it myself.
Nice work
All looks great. -
Nnice work Liam! Maybe after you do the render you can do a line overlay in Photoshop so the details will go out more
Smoking!!! great stuff well done
Great work. Keep it up.
Great detail modeling thanks for sharing
Very nice collection Liam.
You're a busy fellow!
One odd thing though, that walkers profile is quite suggestive.
By the way, your elevator made me think of a game I played 7 years ago or so, called I-War, Independence War.
Far and away the most physics-realistic game...probably to this day. Anyway, it has a cool elevator in the game. -
Been busy with uni but just got past the first deadline so nothing to d for a while. Been working on a more realistic model maybe set a hundred years from now.
All the physics is about right so far taking into account the spin of each floor in each module to create so some gravity that is comfortable for humans, the right types of fuel and how much is needed verses the ships weight, how many radiators etc, I dont have a clue myself but some people cleverer than myself have done a lot to tell me what goes where lol.
Anyway here it is with a bit of PP in photoshop to get the details out. Its about 100ft high and 650 ft long at the moment, but its far form done and this wil only be a small part of the finished model.
hahahaha didnt even clock on to that I didnt put a little articulated arm there for that same reason lol. Ahh well once the bulldog rails and lights are on it might look less like a penis!
EDIT: ahh yeah I checked out the video of the elevator it looked good especially when it goes through the clouds. You tube tho at the moment is a nightmare. I know my internet is fast but you tube takes years to buffer even the smallest videos, i can stream HD form the BBC download a game form steam in minutes but youtube is sooooooo slow. I know its not just me ive been reading all over the internet about people with similar problems.
Well done! Liam887....this is the sci fi modeling that really pushes some of my buttons "realistic space vehicles and satellites" when the Railway itch is scratched this is what i would like to do thanks for the inspirational nudge
These look very good Liam.