Glass Challenge (all render engines)
Another attempt, a homage to my favourite tipple although the colour still needs tweaking..
Thanks for the kind comments
My materials are :
Glass : ref. "G1" from the Basic Glasses library (Donwload section of KT's forum)
Water : ref. "H5" from the same library
For them 2, the material type is Dielectric / Glass, reflection & refraction set to color/Pure white, and IoR resp. 1.52 and 1.33Whiskey :
Material type : Dielectric / Glass
Refraction : RGB values set to (242,153,61) and IoR 1.359
Reflection : copy/paste the refraction color and set the saturation to 20The stirrer is a basic plastic, not too glossy (shininess 30 and IoR 1.60)
The scene is illuminated by two emitting umbrellas on each side of the camera, one little emitting square to generate caustics, and a global for more reflections on the glasses.
Now that I have my technical settings, I'll try to make a real scene like those I could see above (Connor, Ande, Andre...) with nicer glasses !
Had to have a shot at this too. (Kerkythea)
Is that really a render!!!!!!!!!!!!
If so why has no one commented on it. I think it is by far the most convencing.
Or is the joke on me
Oh yeah, I've already remarked in another vray thread where he posted it originally, my jaw still hurts after hitting the ground.
i also comment the andeciuala render few replys above holmes,,,just read carefully bro
btw andre that maxwell render is awsome, so freaking realistic, congrats!!
One more Maxwell...
these all keep getting better and better
My maxwell version.
I hope that they likeSaludos.
at the moment I am on a trip ... and so these r my old versions... and soon will try new renders ( some of them belongs to 1 year ego)...SU + KT as usual
Here is a go at it with Hypershot
i'm learning to use vray
Phil, yours looks really good overall, but the faceting on the optical glass lenses is a bit strong. It also appears in a lighter version on the cup I think - in the far inside wall it looks like it might be showing some very small facets. Perhaps the render engine did not recognize SU's smoothing? The cup is very minor, and maybe non-existant. The glasses are rather pronounced though. Otherwise its really really great!
@chris fullmer said:
Phil, yours looks really good overall, but the faceting on the optical glass lenses is a bit strong. It also appears in a lighter version on the cup I think - in the far inside wall it looks like it might be showing some very small facets. Perhaps the render engine did not recognize SU's smoothing? The cup is very minor, and maybe non-existant. The glasses are rather pronounced though. Otherwise its really really great!
i think that's a matter of using a low res hdri image.. the glasses are smooth but they're reflecting the highly pixelated background.
Jeff I think you are right the HDR is very low res and creates the faceted reflection on the glasses. The Glass is from the 3d warehouse and could possible use more smoothing. Maybe Subdivide and smooth. The facets at the base of the glass are also not rendering as good as they could but heck for 10 minutes of playing arround and letting it render overnight while I was asleep it turned out OK.
this is for a while ago, but not too bad
thanx for WOWs
i became
this is fresh one... cooked over last night using KT as usual...i made a mistake , so there is no light at shadow part...
If that one was "not too bad", I'd like to see what "good" looks like !!!
Looking forward to seing the last one's update, with nice caustics.
Great, great job