@unknownuser said:
Except one, all religions are dead.
Let me guess, the one that initiated the crusades, implemented the inquisition?
@unknownuser said:
I have to be a foolish person if I 'use' a religion which cannot be verified
verified?, you are kidding right?
@unknownuser said:
I haven't heard of becoming invisible in other cultures, but probably can be achieved.
Probably comes in handy when dodging them pesky Reptilians!
I have a suspicion Cornel does not 'do' irony.
High-five, Cornel! C'mon!
Pete, be perplex or not,
I'm not "kidding"! -
Hmmmmm ... So christianity can be 'verified'. I guess this means God's existence can be proven. By all means ... go ahead. Obviously, Bible quotations won't quite suffice.
Also, if I may, a thought ... Doens't the intrinsic value of 'believing' lie in the amount of suspension of disbelief you're willing to invest? If chistianity can be 'verified', if God's existence can indeed be proven, where does that leave the suspension of disbelief? You wouldn't need any. You'd just be siding with the team that cannot lose. Wouldn't that equal opportunism?
Pete wrote:
"Cornel, just out of curiosity, how old is your estimation of our universe?"Pete, for such subject, re. Ages and Dispensations, you have to open a new topic!
We are now into a ‘parenthesis’ of the Eternity, name ‘The Time’, which started from point “Alpha” (so called ‘Creative Ages’) and will finish to point “Omega” (so called ‘Ages of the Ages’) .
As main ‘parts’, the Time, inbetween Eternities, covers 3 distinctive periods: Antedeluvian Age, the Present Age and Age of Ages.Now, each category has precise subdivisions, and so on…
We need Time and Space (a topic) for estimation of our Universe!Cornel
Dang, when I saw you posted an answer, I'd thought you'd come up with 'verification'!
@unknownuser said:
We need Time and Space (a topic) for estimation of our Universe!
No, we don't. It's a simple enough question, it doesn't need a thread of its own.
@unknownuser said:
Tom, you pretend that you are an exception..."There is no one righteous, not even one" (Romans 3:10)
I have no pretense of being an exception and made no claim of righteousness: I am merely one human being among many, as I am for better or worse...and I find such catagorizations devisive, such attitudes offensive, such statements insulting.
@unknownuser said:
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)
I am not a racist because I am white, I am not a bigot because I am male, nor am I a sinner because I am born. If you wish to separate yourself from the universe in this manner, you are free to do so...I choose not.
@unknownuser said:
God's standard is different than ours..., but, through Jesus (only), we can fulfili its 'requirements'!
So you believe, I guess, I don't. I will "make peace with maker" in my own way...and it is not for you to judge me nor speak of my judgement.
Amigo, stop dodging the question - please.
Cornell, another simple question. Is there, in your mind, any doubt, any at all, that there indeed is a God?
Stinke, what is your "simple" response to that "simple enough question" ?!
According to your estimation, what's the age of our Universe?My "we need Time and Space (a topic)" means that we have to explain a 'trumpeted' number...!
I have no doubt, "amigo"!
I am willing to argue that the value of a belief, of any belief, lies in its, err, holder's doubt and pain. Regurgitating dogmata and verses, being certain - that's easy. Oh well. Guess that not everyone can soar to Kierkegaardian heights, eh?
In the name of christianity, there were/are a lot of denominations, clubs, mafia organizations (including inquisition), crusades, different diversionist groups, industry etc.
They were/are auto-intituled as “christians”, to produce confusion and disorder among ignorant people.To be christian, means to live like Jesus Christ…
-What was wrong in Jesus life?
-Nothing.Apostle Paul wrote:
“… it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” (Galatians 2:20)Open your eyes, my friends!
C*mon...it s time to stop this...the Word is spread ...if nobody it s interested let it go..that doesn t mean the nonbeliever are right,not at all..But somehow we get distanced each other and for the moment this is not good.
Live in peace..as it s written Romans 12:18 If possible, so far as it depends upon you, live peaceably with all.So lets hear from all of you Amen to that!!
"A religion contradicting science and a science contradicting religion are equally false."
Pyotr D. Ouspensky -
C'mon, Alan. You might as well be quoting Madame Blavatsky.
"The scientific temper of mind is cautious, tentative, and piecemeal; it does not imagine that it knows the whole truth, or that even its best knowledge is wholly true. It knows that every doctrine needs emendation sooner or later, and that the necesary emendation requires freedom of investigation and freedom of discussion."
- Bertrand Russel
Just getting out my big wooden spoon.
OK then, Matthew 7:1
Exodus 21:24. Hah!
Yeah! Gimme that old time religion.
But let's not get started on the contradictions between the OT and the NT.
@tomsdesk said:
@unknownuser said:
...you cannot pass over and neglect God’s words/will, endlessly!
Why not?
He's sort of right in a twisted way. I think that technically you can't ignore something that does not exist. It's the old 'Have you stopped beating your wife yet? Yes or no?' conundrum.