Sketchup for linux petition - just 24 votes so far
linux is spelt wrong in the petition!
Strangely (ironically?) is owned by Artifice Ltd, the makers of DesignWorkshop, which at one point would have been considered competition to SketchUp. I think they have stopped DW development..
Interesting. I think Artifice do, or did dabble with linux compatability. They used to run the Radiosity render farm (maybe this is obsolete now) that is linux compatible. -
37 votes now. I just signed it.
I'd vote against this.
Google doesn't seem to want to put much resources into developing SU. I really don't see how wasting the present resources on converting to linux will help.
even though I signed the petition I have to agree with john on this. But something could be done to make SU easier to install and get working with wine.
Somebody that works for Wine actually commented on an scf thread about this. They say they they need more feedback fom people who are trying to run SU on linux.
I've tried to install Sketchup via wine and had nothing but trouble (actually, almost everything I've tried to install via wine has been nothing but trouble!
). Sketchup will actually open occasionally if it doesn't just crash, but the work area is distorted with an image of other windows on the desktop. I'd love to be able to use it in Linux; I've got Blender, Kerkythea and Gimp there - the only thing missing is Sketchup!
well after much trouble with my graphics for sketchup for linux (It works fine on windows) I did get sketchup installed using wine, but one of the other problems, and one that I've also noticed when using the wink screen recorder on windows is that the mouse sprite doesn't have transparent edges, (black mouse with white box around it) this is probably an issue with my graphics and with the way sketchup was made. But this problem doesn't crop up when I use sketchup on windows.
On Windows, at least, a box around the cursor in SU is usually a sign that you are in too low a graphics mode...16 bit instead of 24. Maybe Wink only records in 16 bit colour.
@johnsenior1973 said:
I'd vote against this.
Google doesn't seem to want to put much resources into developing SU. I really don't see how wasting the present resources on converting to linux will help.
I'd have to agree with you. Diverting resources on to a Linux port is not really a great idea. It would only be acceptable if the Linux port was achieved entirely using additional resources.
Currently this topic came up in the Sketchup group. I really recommend to participate the discussion. All who want/need SU on linux, please speak out your wish!
Happy Sketching! -
As much as I would like a native linux port of SU, there is a list of other things I would like first.
Maybe we will get lucky and they will decide they want a version for their own OS, then the only extra they would have to do is make it X11 compatible. Although, as Chrome OS is planned for netbooks that may not be likely.
I would be happy to test it for them, if they do ever plan a linux version.
Until a recent update (I think) broke it, I did have SU running ok in wine for general things. DCs don't work though, I think the dialog boxes depend on IE or something, which is annoying, and there is the known issue with the screen not refreshing, apart from that it was pretty much the same as in windows.
I really like the intuitive way of drawing in Sketchup. Microsoft tries to copy it for their own program, but I haven't ever found something similar for linux. There seems to be no way to do 3d on linux (assumed that I do not want/not have the time to learn blender).
My following thought might be absurd or insane: What if Sketchup would have always been open source? How would we feel in modeling or suggesting new ideas or reporting bugs to be fixed? Graphic cards to be supported and so on...
Currently, Google does not put much resources into developing SU, which forces us to include everything with slow/sluggish plugins (for additional features, plugins are ok, but not for missing basic functions). There are not much progresses for the main application, it is intended that Sketchup is extended by the community.I'm myself very skeptical about this and don't know if it would be really preferable, but maybe one time, they will clean up there profile (SU is no web app)...