[REQ] cloth tool
hi guys.
I need to know if its possible to make a rubie that you can take a flat mesh, leave it above a object and let it fall so it forms over the structure underneath. I tried to use sketchy physics but it seems to be an impossible task, and i thought maybe someone bright can build a rubie that could do that.
for example.
If you have a roof sub structure and want to put a mesh on top of it to be eventually a thatch. Then to put a mesh above it...let it drop and when its "draped" it can be thickenend up by joint push pull. It would be great if someone can help me. For future use...hey one could then even use that for doing table cloths over tables..bed coverings ect. pretty please check into it -
Should be pretty easy in SPIV as you will be able to copy and paste joints. Going to be a while before thats out, though.
Have you tried doing it without joints, creating something like chain mail cloth with repetitive components that have a construction point inside, and then triangulating those points?
http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts-apparel/unisex/generic/9080/ -
do it in blender