Slice and erase
Does it exist a ruby command that cuts or slices model/group/object and
thhen erases the unwantetde part of the model/group/object? Like autocad's slice command,
with three point plus one on the wanted side of the model.
thanx -
thank you very much
I've tried Zorro 2 but:
- it cuts everyting visible
- it can't use an object as axis reference to cut another object
- too many operation to cut a single object
- it's useful to cut a complete scene/model
this topic came up about a year ago as well:
the idea in that thread was to be able to slice an object into two groups (which would be cool too.. you could slice something and then pull the two halves apart or slice something and delete one half)
until that ruby is made, there are a couple of decent workarounds -
one is TIG's invert selection update..
.. the other is via the selection box.. you have to know how it works though.. if you draw a selction box (using the tool) from left-to-right, only the lines/surfaces which are fully encompassed by the box will be selected.. if you make the selection box from right-to-left, any of the lines/surfaces that are inside will be selected in their entirety -- even if they are not fully encompassed... with proper orientation of the model, you can get rid of the undesirable half very easily.. there are other select/deselect method involving single/double/triple clicks which allow you to do this as well but i can't find an easy to understand description of said method though i use it often..
here's a video showing invertselection as well as the selection box.
[flash=580,360:gonpy8z1][/flash:gonpy8z1]you'll notice the first time i use the selection box, i go from left to right and end up with undesirable results.. the second time i use right to left and it works out well..
Thank you everybody,
but what I need is a command that cut a selection in TWO parts(no 3,4,5... parts),
and erase the unwantede part. All with:
1 select object, gruop, entity, face etc.
2 only three clicks to define a cutting plane (no drawing helping object like plane, section plane or anything)
3 one click to define the side of the plane in which the selection will be erased or retained
The question is: does it exist a ruby or something else doing that for sketchup 6?
I hope I've been clear...this time -
@ozzidora said:
I hope I've been clear...this time
oh, you were pretty clear the first time around.. i was just showing some workarounds because no, the ruby you want does not exist. it's possible that someone with scripting know-how will find interest in creating what you're talking about but until then, you'll have to find other ways to do it.
thank you Jeff, and thank you all that tried to help me,
and so I'll wait for a new ruby angel...