Textures, games and camera rigs
Latest version of MotorSketch uses textures and grass sprites. Result is a good looking but still playable game; and thanks to the no collision state I've been able to keep the boost flame effect. I'm very happy with the camera rig, which can be rotated around the car and is springy, absorbing impacts and playing much more like a conventional game. Still alot of work to be done, especially on optimizing the file size... this is maybe half way through, but it's already topping off 9MB (This is reduced from an insane 15MB!). Textures need to be tiled properly and compressed, then used at a smaller scale on surfaces, but here is how it looks so far:
what's motorsketch? is it a plugin for sketchup?
I think it is his new game.
You should know Hobbnob, you're the only person that's rated the first version
oh that, that waas good fun, i still don't know how you got the boost to work, it only went when you pressed the accelerator and the boost, which i think can only be done with an if function, buti have no idea how it works...
It's an if function, so if the accelerator is pressed a certain amount, then the force is a*2000, otherwise just 0.
Can you post an example of the code?
Emitter (flame effect):
Rate and lifetime are both set to 1.
This is for slow reverse. The boost here is really just a relic from an old test.
I'm not totally sure what you're trying to achieve there; the code is pretty specific to my particular vehicle. Also note that I had to take into account that joyRY is the wrong way round for driving use; the left trigger increases the value, while the right trigger decreases it.