Sketchyphysics 3rc1 bug
sketchyphysics 3rc1 does not load right. sketchup just says,
error loading file sketchyphysics.rb
unknown error -
CPillips, I'm sorry if I'm getting ahead of you you. It's just I thought you would like to know.
3rc1? what are you on about?
Well CPhillips has sketchyphysics 3 release candidate, available for download.
release condidate? is it like an exclusive thing? lucky...
ok cpillips works know after the update
please tell me something, you can't ignore me forever
Yeah, what are you talking about?? I can't find RC1 anywhere, did Chris send it to you??
no I just know how to find it download it here windows
i still don't understand what it is, it is a beta2? or is it an experimental one?
like i said after cpillips updated it it worked for me and i'm sorry hobbnob i didn't mean to ignore you
YAY!!! i love this!!! the fixed joint is awesome! I'm guiessing everything will be breakble now!!!
it's ok phy. I'm very happy now!!!
what do we use to use the on touch and on click functions? give an example if possible
also, how does the sound work? I saw the file in the depths and was wondering if it would work on the warehouse or it is local to the home pc
Woohoo! Works totally fine for me, have you tried reinstalling it? It resets the camera after the simulation, that's brilliant! But it doesn't remember the FOV setting
Ooooh and a frame counter... and no collision! Yes! What does on touch and on click do; are they proper script windows??
Hobbnob, it's release candidate one, so it's nearly ready for full release. Either this version will be fully announced, or there'll be one more version after this.
there are so much more things in this new release than expected, and as of yet we dont know a thing about them