Watch the SketchUp videos with subtitles in your language
This has probably been posted a dozen times already... (It was Gaieus who told me about this Youtube feature) But I only noticed its availability for SketchUp videos a few days ago:
When you watch a video that contains English subtitles, like this official video for the Push/pull tool...
Youtube VideoYou can switch the English subtitles to your own language doing the following:
Hover the cursor (don't click) over this triangle to open a menu.
Again, hover the cursor (don't click) over this other triangle to open another menu.
Click on "Translate".
Now, click this triangle to see the language list:
Use the scroling bar to find your language and click on it.
Click on "Translate"
That's it. It's an automatic translation, so it's not really good, but better that than nothing.
You can do the same thing with most videos in SketchUp's channel: you follow the introductory videos embedded in a web page instead of directly in Youtube, the subtitles icon is different, but the process is the same:
They definitely just started to add the subtitles themselves. I have always wondered how these automated translations work (thank God they don't have it in Hungarian as it seems to mess up everything result in the funniest sentences).
Yet I think,for a non-English speaker, sometimes even the English subtitles can help a lot when the "live" speech is hardly understandable.
Can't be more efficient than Google tranlator
But very useful for everyone who don't know some languages ! (like me who massacre Englih -
Well, I took Google Translate as an example. If YouTube uses its engine (or anything else with that efficiency), I can imagine the results. Just try to translate something to Hungarian and then back to English with it!
Nevertheless, as I stated above,I do think these subtitles are useful.