[REQ] Disable Inferencing.
when im tracing on pictures in sketchup to use as logos or banners i have to zoom in alot to get the line to not snap to the red or green axis, and then when im done i zoom out and see the shape is wonky in some areas as somewhere along the way i had snapped to the blue axis without knowing it... any way to turn off inferencing?
has it been done before? i have a vague memory of this, cant remember if it was someone asking or a plugin that had been posted
No API to disable it.
...but I wonder if custom tools have to implement inference,.. (?) So maybe a new line tool which doesn't call up the inference..?
good idea thom, anyone want to write a line tool with no inferencing?
I would be interested in this also.
And a move tool that doesnt "jump" to snapping points when there's lots of stuff close together in the scene.
Hey, why not duplicate all the tools without inference. Or maybe some way of setting scale sensitivity for inference. Meaning that at certain distances it wont inference. -
amen +1
I think a line tool that did not turn on inferences could work. It would not speed up SU, but it would disable the annoying snaps. It shouldn't be too hard <famous last words> to write a script like this.
@chris fullmer said:
I think a line tool that did not turn on inferences could work. It would not speed up SU, but it would disable the annoying snaps. It shouldn't be too hard <famous last words> to write a script like this.
The thing what I allways wanted with SU's inference. Is options, like in any other modelling tool, to pick the type of inference the tools uses. Like End Points, Mid Points, Centre etc. Do you know if that can be chosen when implementing inference to custom tools? Or is it all or nothing?
I think with inferencing it is all or none. There are two classes for interacting with the model. InputPoint and PickHelper. Inputpoint works with the inferencing system - like the line tool. Pickhelper works without it - like the select tool, or the selection half of push/pull. There is no inferencing there. I suppose you could implement your own basic inferencing of vertex, edge, and onface. And others too I'm sure. I don't know how in-depth you could go with it. Perhaps pretty detailed with midpoint and intersections. I think all of this would get implemented in the Draw method of the tool. So if you've implmeneted your own system, you should be able to disable it as desired. But again, I don't think any of this makes SU faster, as internal inferencing is still on, just not active. But it might be easier to draw lines close together on a flat plane.
For those cases, I just use Fredo's Tools On Surface. It sticks to the surface (no blue axis problem), and its inferencing is less "snappy" than native SU line tool.
Here's a proof of concept script. Its not very useful in some ways, but it does the job and proves it works. Just put in plugins folder like regular. It will install itself to Plugins>Chris Fullmer Tools>Line without Inference TEST. Its just a test, you probably will not want to leave it installed (though it does work and its pretty stable I think). But it just draws lines. Click once to set the first point, and again to start making lines. It does not close faces or connect line endpoints (but I think its possible to ad those functions to a script like thise). So if you are drawing and want to close your shape, its best to leave the last segment undone and then add it with the regular line tool and it should then close it for you. It runs into problems closing the face though if there has been overlapping. Probably would need Todd's Make Faces script to help out there.
Anyhow, it does work and I thin its possible to add some basic inferencing for endpoints or edges or something. I don't know how to go about making it recognize that a face should be made.
NOTE: I just added a new version of this plugin that uses a red rubberband line while you are drawing. Its a little bit more helpful.
thanx chriss that works fine
does still need that close face option, and i noticed some slight snapping if u click near a vertice or line, but its awsome thanx. i like the red line also