The Obama Deception - Number #1 in Google Video
@solo said:
Okay, we now 'see the light', what shall we do?
I think you can find one of possible answers in Zeitgeist - Addendum - 4th chapter.
I am not personally convinced that the science has a power to be our saviour, as authors suggest. It has been proven that science without moral principles will not necessary lead the humanity to where we all would like to be.And back to the main topic, my first post in this thread... I think that Alex Johnes has not much to offer except destruction of an old order. Mentioned Addendum proposes something different - building independent movement that will eventually make old rules obsolete. Altough, as I have written, the proposed methods does not convince me.
@unknownuser said:
It has been proven that science without moral principles will not necessary lead the humanity to where we all would like to be.
Science has nothing to do with morality. Nada.
A few questions:
Who has proven this?
What was the topic of their research?
What was the exact result of their research?
In other words: please back up your claim.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Yes the super-rich manipulate society, cause wars for their own personal gain, influence politicians; even bring down governments. So what's new?
So what do we do then, just let them - in our name?
I'm in complete agreement with with Coen on this, people need to wake up and face the reality of whats being engineered covertly.
I was in denial to until I took the time to read up and look into the true eyewitness accounts and testimonies of what really happened in 9/11 and 7/7
Once you've done that you will realise:
A control system capable of doing this, is capable of anything.
Just how gullible, vunerable and detached the vast majority of people have become, (Including me prior to waking up)
That you have been trying to defend the indefensible for so long believing it just couldn't possible be so, until a little voice inside says
" Wait a minute something isn't right here"' -
Everything throughout history has and is being manipulated for one outcome.
@unknownuser said:
Science has nothing to do with morality. Nada.
Stinkie, If you would think a little bit more about what I have written, you would have found answers for both questions yourself.
Have I written that it does? I have written about science WITHOUT morality. Science is not a morality. The thing is that scientists are not machines, but people who can have moral principles. Is it so hard to understand? Same applies to people that use results of scientific experiments.
@unknownuser said:
A few questions:
- Who has proven this?
- What was the topic of their research?
- What was the exact result of their research?
In other words: please back up your claim.
- The Manhattan Project
- Nuclear Bomb
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki
@unknownuser said:
It has been proven that science without moral principles will not necessary lead the humanity to where we all would like to be.
Nothing will lead humanity to "where we all would like to be," because we would all like to be in different places.
@teezer said:
Nothing will lead humanity to "where we all would like to be," because we would all like to be in different places.
Sure! But No-one would like to be in Hiroshima on that day.
Are you getting the point? -
@unknownuser said:
Have I written that it does? I have written about science WITHOUT morality.
The mind boggles. I give up.
@unknownuser said:
The mind boggles. I give up.
Why it doesn't surprise me? Read the whole thing and do not look for excuses.
@unknownuser said:
The thing is that scientists are not machines, but people who can have moral principles. Is it so hard to understand? Same applies to people that use results of scientific experiments.
Was the proof not good enough?
Would you mind defining "proof"? While you're at it, do you have a definition handy for "science"?
Fck - I'd promised myself I'd not get sucked into this horsesht any further.
@unknownuser said:
Would you mind defining "proof"? While you're at it, do you have a definition handy for "science"?
? What a game are you playing?
Ten questions to Tomasz? Use encyclopedia instead.
@unknownuser said:
Fck - I'd promised myself I'd not get sucked into this horsesht any further.
First you specify what did you mean by horseshit. Do you relate to the thread or discussion with me. If the second, I won't reply you.
Anyway it went too far off from the main topic.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Would you mind defining "proof"? While you're at it, do you have a definition handy for "science"?
? What a game are you playing?
Ten questions to Tomasz? Use encyclopedia instead.
Tomasz - are you kidding me? Really, are ya?
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Fck - I'd promised myself I'd not get sucked into this horsesht any further.
First you specify what did you mean by horseshit. Do you relate to the thread or discussion with me. If the second, I won't reply you.
I meant the latter, obviously. You haven't written a single sentence in this thread that isn't completely flawed both on a logical and a rhetorical level. As I said: horsesh*t. What else do you want me to call it? It is what it is.
@unknownuser said:
You haven't written a single sentence in this thread that isn't completely flawed both on a logical and a rhetorical level. As I said: horsesh*t.
I will not play same ugly game you are playing. It makes me sad, cause you have shown the man you are.
Come on Guys.
Lets all just agree to disagree and wake up to the deceit at different times
In the meantime observe the daily pattern of covert global control
Problem - Reaction - Solution
@paulside said:
Lets all just agree to disagree and wake up to the deceit at different times
not a great choice of words
@paulside said:
Come on Guys.
Lets all just agree to disagree and wake up to the deceit at different times
In the meantime observe the daily pattern of covert global control
Problem - Reaction - Solution
I'm all for global control. Me controlling of course.
@unknownuser said:
I'm all for global control. Me controlling of course.
Its a simple three step process when you have the necessary control:
Create a problem covertly, (actual or percieved) - WMD, Credit Crunch, Terrorism, Religious Divisions, Rascism.
Invoke and Sympathise with the reaction, ("this can't go on something must be done we can't let them get away with this")
Offer the Pre planned solution, (This is what we need to do - Suckers, this is what we wanted all along)
or to put it into our context:
A) Sabotage your PC (She'll never know or find out
B) Tell the wife you really don't want to change the PC just yet, but you may just have to.(You know you want to
C) Go buy the 8 core beast you've always wanted (I would have never got this if I had just asked
The A,B,C would of course be mildly amusing if it weren't for the innocent lives lost in the 1,2,3
I sincerly hope I am wrong,
I Rest my case
Getting back to topic...kinda, okay we have conspiracy (I will purposely leave out the theory part as we are now assuming it to be true) and the conspiracy is destroying our lives and so damned uncomfortable and dire that something needs to be done (I cannot see it but for the sake of this hypothetical scenario we will assume).
So we will look at history and reminisce about a time we were free from such money and power hungry elites, a time we were free from such manipulations, a time.... hold on, there never was such a time!
We have always been controlled and decieved by a higher group of greedy bastards, be it the Church, the Roman empire, the royals, etc.
So what we are really looking for is the exact thing we are accusing them of aiming for, we want a NEW WORLD ORDER, as living free of such devious oppression would indeed be a new world as we have never had such a situation.How would this new transparent, evil elite free utopia work?
@solo said:
How would this new transparent, evil elite free utopia work?
It wouldn't. Homo homini lupus est - thus he needs governing and policing. Which means there's always going to be a breeding ground for corruption and abuse of power.
Homo homini lupus est
That is exactly the point. That is what they haved teached us. That is what the power wants.
But it is not.
And that is what we have to learn. We are so slaved to everything that we forget we can look at each other in another way. A much better way.Hello everybody, back again.
Humans are crap at doing stuff without someone pointing them in the right direction, though. Imagine trying to build a warehouse with only a collection of tradesmen. Nothing is going to get done until someone comes forward and starts telling people what to do.