TubeAlongPath plugin Help
@xrok1 said:
CDC, what are you talking about? ProfileBuilder or tubealongpath?
Ecuadorian, that would make sense but why did i go through two different paypal operators over the phone and they gave me some bullshit "security model program" speal. if your right ;which sounds very likely considering i didn't have a problem buying booltool $10; they should fire stupid support staff that don't know the most basic things.
maybe you could go to smustard and click buy now on profilebuilder then log into paypal ;don't click purchase; to see if you get the add bank account dialog?
Sorry I was referring to the tool bar that Equadorian suggested I install. I have yet to buy Profile Builder but this new tool bar does some pretty cool stuff. Has some issues like I mentioned before. For example, when I input my ID and OD for the tubing it gives me an error for most dimensions in one or the other info boxes.