[REQ] PurgeAllHidden
Hi all,
It happens to me a lot, when working on a project, that I tend to hide a lot of objects and geometry on the way.
A lot of these hidden items are nested.At the end of a design session, when I am happy with what is on screen, I would like to get a clean file and purge all that is hidden out of the scene.
Unfortunately, doing this manually, is very tedious.I was wondering if it is possible to have a ruby that purges all those hidden elements, even if they are nested.
Would be wonderful.
What dou you think?
You want a plugin which deletes all hidden entities?
Should be fairly easy to write. But I'm thinking there might be a gotcha creeping up. What about lines in a mesh which are hidden? If they are deleted the connected faces will disappear. I suppose ignoring edges connected to visible faces would work...
And what about geometry on hidden layers? -
You are right. I didn't think about hidden lines defining surfaces.
Maybe just hiding the lines that do not define surfaces?Yes, hiding hidden layers could be a nice option...although doing that manually isn't that diffcult.