Sketch up and mental ray
great renders! hard to tell that they're not photos, especially the second one
first one is very good, but 2nd one is perfect, congrats
the second render is looks like real...
Shouldn't these be in the photography thread?
These are friggin realistic, especially the second one. great job!!
Is anyone else finding it really hard to believe that the second one is a rendered model?
he he.
Excellent work!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I believe the second image is a photograph of one of Neoshed's Sheds and not a rendered model. The first one is very nice, it looks like a rendered model. Neoshed, come on back and let us know, I'm dying to find out.
Neoshed, what about the title of the thread?
Have you found a way of using Mental ray in SketchUp or are you rendering in Max or Maya? -
Spence, pav_3j and Master Solo, your insight serves you well. The second one is a photo. Check the caption.
Neoshed never said both were renders, he said they were "product shots", and the second image states clearly that is it a real unit built in California. Neoshed just wants us to compare his extremely good Mental ray render (first image) to a professional, magazine-quality photo of a built product (second image), although it is not the same shed type. And I have to say that I am amazed at how close he got to reality. I wish I could render half that good.
The render in the first image one is truly an outstanding work, Neoshed. And I also totally love those sheds, they look so cozy! My nephews would love a "little house" like those... I would love one, too, as there's a certain Japanese feeling to it and I love traditional Japanese architecture. It must have been very tiring having to travel to the West coast to build it. You are already a Master Jedi of both rendering and wooden frame construction.
I wish you the best of success in your shed construction business, and I hope you keep that Japanese air in your future work. The only Japanese construction in the East Coast that I'm aware of is in Philadelphia, you might want to visit it for inspiration if you haven't. It seems to be in the Sukiya-style: -
Thanks for all the comments and apologies if I misled anyone.
The first image is a render as is the one I'm attaching below. The second image is a photo taken by the client and appeared in Dwell magazine as part of an article on pre fab units. This unit was my spin on the mid century homes by the Eichler company. As my company is in it's infancy and the above unit is the only one in existence I've had to rely on creating "product shots" Hopefully this year will be good and I'll only need actual photo's from now on.
I never really considered a Japanese influence in the designs so far but I am in the middle of designing one at the moment that will be heavily influenced.
I've always rendered my images in Max although I model 99% of things with SU. It's just too easy to use. I was a beta tester for asgvis/vray4su when it was being worked on. I don't know if my renders are still part of the installer or not as I don't use it
those are great natural looking renders! good work!
neoshed, thats nasty bro, before i read that the 2nd one was not a render, i decided to quit rendering....thx to ecuadorian i didnt do that, you should be more explicit, or people its going to get hurt,,,, hehehehehe, no bro, im just mesing, great work and hope you keep posting!!
Actually, I had to use a little software tool to be sure if the second one was a photo or not.
I put this program to the test with Autodesk's "Fake or Foto?" challenge, and I got all of them right in both rounds: -
What technique did you use for the grass in the last image? Is that mrProxy just scattered on a surface? Renders look amazing!
The "weeds" for lack of a better description were some clumps of mesh I picked up somewhere off the net and I just moved them around a bit.
The mr proxy is a fickle beast at best but hopefully it will be tweaked with the next version. (ie it works but is no where near as good as the vray proxy right now. Grass with displacement is pretty good with mr but you really have to subdivide your mesh for best results otherwise it looks like a 3d seismograph.
Thanks again for all the compliments....I don't usually post images as I never think they're good enough.
Adam, as you're reasonably local to me feel free to email me is you have any mr issues to patrick AT neoshed DOT com
is there a mentel ray plugin for sketchup??
No. (But I wish there was.)
Probably rendered in 3dsMax. -
Am I the only one that when I read mrSky and mrProxy I read it like "Mister Sky" " Mister Proxy"?