Hotel-Office building In Vietnam
very nice.
Thanks xrok1.
what a work! Fymoro
Maybe you could check the shadow's orientation of the furnitures. They seem to contradict the general direction ( last render).Have a look on the texture too ( marble sofa?)
I'm really impressed.MALAISE
Fred the interiors are very nice. I'm trying to learn Vray but I'm a long way off at the moment.
Thanks Malaise,
I am going to change the lighting setting anyway.
This will be the next step.Thanks Linea,
You have to do same me, check this forum for sketchup, but for Vray go to, it is the official vray for sketchup forum. (all response to your question)
nice renderings out there...and about scaling from cad to sketchup...
import the drawing to sketchup..measure any length(like door,or room length)which u know(the cad value)..divide the cad value with sketchup value..u vill get a decimal..that vill be scale factor..jst scale entire drawing by that value..u r done!!IF u r drafting using milimeter(mm)in cad then sketchup scale factor is 0.003280839. -
or just select the scale of the original cad drawing when pressing the options button on import?
nice atrium, its looking good!
Thanks archkiranjith and Sir,
For import with goo scale I have found.
1er check the dimension on cad. example on beam 300 millimetre.
Import to sketchup option , millimetre and preserve origin drawing.And it is prefect, import direct with the same scale.
Nice. Love that cool ceiling sculpture/mobile.
nice , where will this builidng be built ? I'm living here.
and what is the renderer that you use ? (vray of sketchup of vray of 3dsmax)
hi huyvuvn,
In the district one, and all is made by Shetchup, model and render vray for sketchup 1.0.