Follow me tool around bendy surface.
I'm trying to make the edge on the outside of a curvy edge become rouned all the way round. Is it possible with the follow me tool. My last few attempts have been a disaster where it sinks into the model and won't follow the line.
Hi Tom,
The problem (in such cases) is that the Follow me tool only works correctly on coplanar eges. As soon as a 3rd dimension is introduced, it twists and doesn't works as one would expect - or more exactly due to the above limitations, it does work as you'd expect but not as you'd wish it to work.
To make such edges (all the way around in the model) curved, use the Round Edge plugin instead.
Thanks very much for the help.
Hey Gaieus,
Earlier today I downloaded the round edge plugin and, well, I guess that I just do not have the hang of installing plugins/Ruby's..... 'cause it dosen't work correctly. I know where the plugin folder is located on my Mac and have successfully installed a couple of Ruby's, but some of them really give me trouble.
When I download the round edges zip file it downloads and extracts on my desk top. I then drag that folder containing files into the plugin folder......
Sure would like to get it working for most of my drawings.... any tips for this dummie???? (You old Pro's just take it for granite that everybody knows this how to do this. Maybe I've Toasted to many cells....)
you could also try the followmeandkeep plugin instead of followme tool, it should work.
@damathecat said:
...When I download the round edges zip file it downloads and extracts on my desk top. I then drag that folder containing files into the plugin folder...
That must be the problem. You shouldn't drag the whole folder only the contentof it (i.e. there shouldn't be a whole subfolder containing the ruby...)
Got it, got it!
I actually got two folders when I unziped the download. One had two ".rd" files, which I'm familluar with, and another folder named RDE_Dir with
Quickcard Roundedge-english-v1...June08.pdf,
RDE_cursor_RoundEdge_Bezier_OK.png.So, I printed the .pdf and put all the other stuff in the plugin folder......
I had just never seen all the other stuff and had put only the two .rd files in the plugin folder....
Now I just might be a little smatter....