Interior concept
Dirk that's friggin fantastic, both concept and render.
I had to look real hard to find a flaw, and finally i noticed the chairs are floating.
correct correct
... its still work in progress.. I will solve it....
but thanks a lot for the comment
I must agree with Solo: looks excellent. Bit too slick for my taste, but nonetheless I am impressed!
Hard to beat
@solo said:...friggin fantastic...
so I'll just repeat it: Friggin fantastic! I didn't notice the chairs, but maybe some little bit of tint to the windows would make it even better...?
Beautiful job. I love the ceiling and the pillow especially. This has got to be a a Max render....looks like Mental ray from the occlusion tones. How much of it was modeled in Sketchup? I would love to see the wires.
Stunning seems the most apropos word to use!
hey dirkk. this is again an outstanding output.
Gorgeous! Your own design?
wowww... thanks all thanks a lot... Its really nice to hear comments.
But I have to say this is an pure SketchUp render no max used this is an vray for SketchUp render. I used Pipe along path, Free form deformation & Subdivide and smooth.. with some post processing.
"I would love to see the wires. " I guess you mean the wire frame? So here it is.
but the render is not ready jet... I need to do something whit the kitchen. I think it still needs some work.
Yeah this is my own design...
(sorry for my bad English)
Dirk! Fantastic! I'm really shocked by your image! Stunning!
But what really hits me is the quality of your models and foliage! Where do they come from? -
some are home made... Or I try to recreate evermotion models in sketchup because just copying evermoton models makes it verry verry lardge & slow model..
Love your style. Renderings have a certain mood. I'd love to render like you. I gave V-ray a try but having trouble understanding the settings and workflow. tried to achieve same results with different render appl. but V-ray produces very realistic renderings.
I recognize this style! Outstanding result! Congrats!
amazing work, dirk, could we see a render with higher resolution?
what tree sollection did you use?
again, very very impressed
@unknownuser said:
But I have to say this is an pure SketchUp render no max used this is an vray for SketchUp render.
Even more impressive. I doubted it was sketchup because of the poly count. As far as the render, there is something about the floor reflection and the amount of "glow" that causes my eye to initially miss the details in the couch and the lights. Something too about the reflection in the glass that I would tone down a little when you do your final render.
Hi all....
WAUWWW thank you so mutch for all the nice comments
I am flabbergasted.
especially: stefanq & Free Agent.. Thanks for the reactions: I have to say I find your work amazing
You can see a Hires render 2048x1536 at:
C&C still welcome
Note: this is not the final render and the chairs are still floating, sorry for that.
I am in desperate need of some new clients
WOW! nothing more
Woah very nice one Dirk, I also wanted to let you notice the chairs were floating..
But you've seen that yourself already, so no need for that...Btw, about the thing that you need new clients (my excuses for the dutch, but I can explain myself better in my motherlanguage)
Ik ben onlangs naar een woon en bouwbeurs geweest en ben daar naar al de interessante bouwfirma's,
interieurontwerpers, keukenonterwerps,... mijzelf gaan aanbieden als 3D modeler. Ze waren meestal
vrij enthousiast omdat je direct contact met ze opneemt en niet via mail of telefoon.
Dus moest er zoiets zijn in de buurt kan je altijd eens proberen he, ik raad het je zeker aan, als
je wat extra info wil kan je even pm sturen als je wilt ;]Grats..
FoXy.. -
Very impressive, great work