A website?
I'm wanting to get a website where i can show everyone my car designs, the Google 3D website is cool and all but if i put them there Google has all the rights to them. Does anyone know of a way i could have a website for free?
Blogspot is pretty good if you just want to put images up, you could probably put the files up as well if you could find somewhere to host them.
any way i could jus make my own (.com) site?
Theres probably a few templates around for making your own site, you then need to register a domain name and find someone to host the site for you. Thats about the limit of my knowledge, so i'll let someone else explain the details...
Google Sites is good for creating your own website because you don't have to worry about FTP servers, html, domains, ect. Just pick a template and fire away. Although, you can fully customize the website with your own html coding if you want to.
If you want your "own" webite (ie. "www.Ray-Ochoa.com" as opposed to "www.sites.google.com/site/rayochoa"), like Remus said, your going to have to pay for a domain. -
Solo? you outthere? I how did you make your site?
Hi Ray,
There's many web-hosting service providers, where you can get your own domain etc...
Here's a couple...
One.com - Starting at 1,25 EUR per month and 12,00 EUR annual fee for a .com domain
1 & 1.com - Starting at 3,99 USD pre month including your own domainThere's so many out there...
Check out Which Web Host Do You Recommend?, where you also can find some answers to your questions...Hope this can help you further...!?
your cool car pix and your cool designs I think would demand a cool website. Especially if you are going to use it as a portfolio for future employment.. . ie direct future employers to your work. You probably would want something designed for yourself and host it thru an ISP. I don't know anything about it myself, but that's MHO.
I am html challenged, in fact I am no good at anything website related. I use Microsoft live premium for my website, I registered the domain, built the site from their templates and have them host it for me. It was the easiest solution for my needs, not perfect but so far it's been great. I cannot remember the price I am paying as I have a few software apps, One care protection and that combined as a package that gets paid automatically every month.
There are many cheaper solutions that give more bang than what I have, I am just too lazy and do not have the tolerance needed to mess with finding out.
If you click on the link below and navigate to my site you will see on the bottom right of the page a 'powered by microsoft' link that will take you to a page where you can get a free website (never noticed that before until today)
Darn, i guess ill have to use a domain one. Thanks anyway
Hey yall i tried one with google. Im working on it and it will be full of info and car stuff be sure to bookmark
I like the blue graphics, but lose the tiled background. I haven't been following posts of your designs, but based on your current set of categories in your gallery shell, I'm looking forward to seeing them.
Definitely lose that background image. If you are going to put design things up there, the site should focus on visual content anyway and everything else is just distracting (not to speak about those background images tiling very badly in the side bar and the images covering it really ugly like here). Put maybe a header banner like image instead on top but also design the appearance of the whole to be consistent.
I'd alkso lose the detailed sitemap for now as you don't have the content for it. Build the website along with the content and don't leave toomany "coming soon" pages.
Thanks for da advice, i changed it to all plain colors
Hi Ray
Watch this.
ist free with advertising links on the site.
http://www.jimdo.comits realy easy to use.
Your fonts are too fat, and it takes WAY too long to load. Other than that, it's OK!!
My advice is keep it simple. People are coming to your site to see your car designs not how fancy the site design is.
Essentially... my name is Ray... this is what I do... these are my cars.
Right now it takes way too long to access the designs, perhaps more folders with less cars in each.
I think you are close to a great site that shows off your talent... good luck. -
Edit dammit i had to change again i hope yall don't mind.
okay i changed it. i will make it simpler.
okay i changed it. i will make it simpler. i edited the post before this one