[Plugin] Construction Tools (2014-03-22)
Hello Community,
first let me say that all her made good work! Some Scripts and Plugins are amazing and partly free.I have some good plugins, from here and other places, collect and build a toolbar.
I've added icons and cursors.
Some scripts I have modified slightly. This is a collection for construction-points and -lines.
I hope is Useful! Copyright is not by me2 scripts are from Jim (Construction Line (older Version)) and (Arc Centerpoint)
1 script is from TIG (AddVertex)
1 script "Pointify Edges" unknownUpdate: 2014-03-22 #2
- Add small Icons 16x16
Update: 2014-03-22 #1
- Bugfix Strict Code
- Toolbar structure and icons remastered
- tested on Sketchup Pro 2014
Awsome work! Thank you schorradt!
could you please list which scripts are in your new toobar? this will make it easier for us to decide whether to download it or not. thanks.
Cool idea.
As Edson said, it might be good to mention the rubies used in your first post of this thread. -
@kwistenbiebel said:
Cool idea.
As Edson said, it might be good to mention the rubies used in your first post of this thread.Sorry! I am now back in the community...
The embedded scripts are:
2 scripts from Jim (Construction Line Tool(older Version)) and (Arc Centerpoint)
1 script is from TIG (AddVertex)
1 script "Pointify Edges" unknown -
@guanjin said:
Icons in 2014 is too large, uncoordinated, where the modified icon file
i have Sketchup 2014 and no problems... large icons or small icons.
can you me explain the problem?
I don't know if something has changed in Sketchup 2014 regarding iconsize behavior, but for what I know it looks like you have same pathname for small_icon and large Icon.
cmd.small_icon = File.join("mx_constructtools","addendpoints_icon.png") cmd.large_icon = File.join("mx_constructtools","addendpoints_icon.png")
Normally you provide different pathnames & different sized Icons(16px and 24px), as Guanjin has provided.
something like:
cmd.small_icon = File.join("mx_constructtools","addendpoints_icon16.png") cmd.large_icon = File.join("mx_constructtools","addendpoints_icon24.png")
thx, i have added the small icons.
@schorradt said:
[Plugin] Construction Tools (2014-03-22)
You got me all excited that it was to do with actual construction... Now the rest of my day is ruined.
Nice plugin though.
hehe I'm so sorry.
I should probably rename the plugin -
Technically, the name is both descriptive and correct; so... I wouldn't.
What you should do is make a real construction plugin next... Yeah... That's what you should do.
Error Loading File wco_addcpoint.rb
Error: C:/Users/Audrius/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/wco_addcpoint.rb:31: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')'
@@cu_addcpoint = UI::create_cursor (c, 5 , 18);^
C:/Users/Audrius/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/wco_addcpoint.rb:159: invalid multibyte char (UTF-8)
C:/Users/Audrius/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/wco_addcpoint.rb:159: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting ')'
cmd = UI::Command.new("Konstruktionspunkt hinzufรผgen...") {^
C:/Users/Audrius/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/wco_addcpoint.rb:162: syntax error, unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting end-of-input
cmd.small_icon = "WCO_ADDCPOINT/icon_addcpoint.png"