Duplicate and fill-in
Two questions.
(1)I have a series of models (trees, shrubs, etc.) that I would like to duplicate repeatedly on a site plan. How does one accomplish this?
(2) How do you fill in selected ground (i.e., gravel) around buildings on a site plan? I have color but no gravel (texture).
Help is appreciated... Tx.
1)depending on the size of your site, you can either use the move tool and press ctrl to move a copy of your foliage (quite time consuming), or you can use a ruby like didier bur's component spray that randomly places a selection of your components in to your model in a brush area. You can find it in the ruby forum, along with a very good help file.
2)you can download and import your own textures fairly easily: first youll need to find a decent pic of some gravel and then download it to your computer. Next (in SU) go file->import and set the file type to 'all supported image formats' and the selection thingy on the side to 'texture.' SU will then import the texture in to the model for you to use.
Remus... Thank you for the reply.
I guess I should have been more specific. If I could simply 'highlight' all of the models in one action I could then copy them using the Move function. Is there a way to grab all of the objects in one copy (and move) action to move "paste" them again on the site plan (template)?
Reply for Question 2 - The gravel background I need is under Materials/Groundcover. Can I get this to fill in around buildings?
Do you know why the mouse moves slow on the Sketchup template even though it moves at a higher speed when off of the Sketchup template?
Once again, thanks.
Hi Chuck,
Withnthe Shift key pressed, you can add/distract any entities to/from your selection so if you have a bunch of plants,use the Shift+Select to select them all then the Ctrl+Move to make copies.
You should be able to fill in ares with the textures in the Material browser but first you need to enclose a specific face (to be painted) with edges.
The odd mouse behaviour may be due to some harware/software problems. What video card do you have?