Google....give us back our back button[SOLVED]
So the SketchUp gods have not forsaken us after all... praise the gods!
You've got to wonder tho, why it was removed in the first place.... Oversight? Misguided? Error? Overwhelmed? Bureaucracy?
It's kind of like the upgrade was a step back and then fwd, a ying and yang... Still the best, but interestg b/c one sees it in every googlized program or service (except search of course).
@insitebuilders said:
You've got to wonder tho, why it was removed in the first place....
Oversight? Misguided? Error? Overwhelmed? Bureaucracy?Oversight?
not likely since were only talking a handful of devs here, seems everyone would know evrything in such a small group. Heck there within spitball distance of each other or closer!Misguided?
goes hand-in-hand with misguidedness.Overwhelmed?
not likely! But not an excuse either.Bureaucracy?
Well as we all know a bureaucracy can screw up just about anything!When it comes down to it who ever made this "executive" decision obviously does not use SketchUp as much as we do, nor love it as much as we. Saying that there was no room for the back button after adding the warehouse entrybox is just a crock and we where not about to let that slip by so easy!
Let this be a lesson to you Google, when you make software as revolutionary as SketchUp it will get harder and harder to meet the previous threshold. But don't worry, we ain't about to let you muck it up!
We are watching Google, you know of which i speak, an all seeing eye, lidless!, and wreathed in flame!
We will never blink!!!
Whew, you're tuff cowboy....
What you don't know guys is (and maybe I am breaching my NDA now) that during the tests of this new release, Google put the back button back for the first feature request saying "whatever you wish guys, immediately".
(So they are neither that bureaucratic nor anything else...)
i still have faith in Google- they are still developing SU- good things happen slowly. And they are still offering a free version! can't beat that with a stick.
True. Without the free version (that I originally started to use) I wouldn't be here either (not a big loss maybe
) neither I could be teaching school kids to 3D modelling through SU (and you do something like that, Troy, as far as I know, too).
And lots and lots of other talented users here wouldn't be contributing with what they are doing now.
Its in a little bar along the bottom of the component browser.