Calling Whaat and Fredo!! new MAC issues (SOLVED)
Glad to see it now works.
Did you solve it by re-installaing the original Bezierspline 1.2 or using my updated script?
By the way, if the issue was related to Podium, then icons for Whaat's script should show again. Is it the case?
That was with your updated script; I actually just replaced the old with the new, so I didn't have the opportunity to check the old one.
I still have no icons showing for Booltools or Subdivide/Smooth.
I guess it is hard to say what role Podium played in all of this, but my suspicion is that my issues are (were) independent of it.
I have not heard from Whaat at all, so I may send him another PM about this.
Thanks again.
All was well and good until I updated from Podium 1.5 to podium 1.6 and then this. Not sure how to proceed.
Lost Booltools, profile maker, etc.
I think there are some path problems - from your screenshot it looks like pb_load.rb tries to load timetrack.rb (one of my scripts) which it shouldn't be happening as this should be loaded by Sketchup.
if you uninstall Podium it gets back to normal ?
I have removed the Podium rubies and I still have no images on my buttons.
Same for me. I completely removed Podium and still have issues. Not that I waned to remove Podium
and now the even weirder thing is that I ONLY now have podium in my plugins folder....nothing else!
scott: you said that you removed Podium
I removed podium on one of 3 computers then went back to check the others that I installed 1.6 on and the ONLY thing in the plug ins folder on those 2 machines was podium plugins at all. whats getting weird is that some plugins are still working...not sure from where though.....
This may be the source of the missing plugins.
I keep all of my plugins in /Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Sketchup 7/Sketchup/Plugins.
When I went to delete Podium, I didn't even see Podium anywhere. I did a search and Podium was installed here:
/Macintosh HD/Users/Chuck/Library/Application Support/Sketchup 7/Sketchup/Plugins.
Maybe this is what you have going on, too, scott.
One mystery solved...Thanks Chuck...Do you have everything back working now? Podium too? If so how?
Would love to be able to get things back in order though.
Nope, still no images on my buttons. What's weird, though, is that I do get the tool tip when I mouse over the blank button, and the button still "works". Just no images, just like you.
I have not tried to reinstall Podium since all this mess started.
Well hopefully TBD can get the Podium part worked out. I would love the icons as it is a bit of a pain to not know where a certain icon is.
@unknownuser said:
Nope, still no images on my buttons. What's weird, though, is that I do get the tool tip when I mouse over the blank button, and the button still "works". Just no images, just like you.
the exact same thing happens to me.
problem solved (thanks to burkhard)! up until now we have been installing scripts in the same folder as in SU6, that is, at HD/Library/.../Plugins. in SU7 there is another Plugins folder, located at the user level.
so, in order to make your icons reappear just move the related scripts (like booltools) to Users/Library/Application Support/SketchUp7/Sketchup/Plugins
Everything all nice and perfectly working!
Thanks for the help everyone.
@edson said:
problem solved (thanks to burkhard)! up until now we have been installing scripts in the same folder as in SU6, that is, at HD/Library/.../Plugins. in SU7 there is another Plugins folder, located at the user level.
so, in order to make your icons reappear just move the related scripts (like booltools) to Users/Library/Application Support/SketchUp7/Sketchup/Plugins
I do not have a Plugin folder after Users/Library/Application Support/SketchUp7/Sketchup
Should I create one then put all my plugins in there in future? -
@unknownuser said:
I do not have a Plugin folder after Users/Library/Application Support/SketchUp7/Sketchup
Should I create one then put all my plugins in there in future?dylan,
- users stands for the name you give to your user. after you install the system it calls it home (no wonder the icon is a little house). in my case it is called mahfuz (see attached).
- yes you could create a plugins folder there but that does not mean that all plugins should go there. most can remain in the usual location. i would say that you should have there all the ones that go there by themselves during installation (podium puts stuff there automatically) and the ones that are not working if you install them the usual way.
@unknownuser said:
I do not have a Plugin folder after Users/Library/Application Support/SketchUp7/Sketchup
Should I create one then put all my plugins in there in future?no, you shouldn't.. when you install podium, it makes the folder in your user library.. if you don't plan on using podium, place all the plugins in the system library (ie - Macintosh HD) and they will work fine from there..
i have a few of these problem plugins (sds,bool tools,etc) and they are in the proper plugin folder and work great.. i once installed podium and it 'broke' a few of my rubies and started causing crashes even after i moved the rubies to the newly created podium folders..speaking of which, i didn't actually try to put the podium files in macHD/library/etc.. i'm now wondering if that would work.. i'll report back later
i just installed podium 1.6.1(evaluation) again and as expected, a few of other plugins no longer loaded.. here's what i found..
the installer puts the actual podium plugin at
user/library/application support/podium
it then goes on to create aliases in other places.. [the alias files have the little arrow on the icons -- the main files don't have that]
what i did to get everything in proper working order was this:
remove the following 2 folders/contents: (you'll need admin access to move these files around)
user/library/application support/google sketchup 6 (*note- i only have SU7 installed. this folder didn't exist prior to installing podium and it only contains the podium aliases. if you're using sketchup6, go into this folder and only delete the podium aliases)
user/library/application support/google sketchup 7/sketchup/pluginsthen, go to user/library/application support/podium
inside that folder you'll see two files: podium_load.rb and Podium.bundle (the real files.. not alias)
place those at the normal plugin location:
Macintosh HD/library/application support/google sketchup 7/sketchup/pluginsafter that, podium works and all the plugins work.. all from the initial plugin folder which is installed with SketchUp.
if you don't mind having your rubies in different locations (and having to figure out which ones work where) then go with the previous work around [which is a bit silly imo -- conform everything to work with a bad podium install instead of fixing the podium install and let everything else work as it should]
i like to keep a sidebar folder containing my rubies so i can easily try and/or delete new rubies.. i don't really like typing: Macintosh HD/library/application support/google sketchup 7/sketchup/plugins... much less navigating to it
... if you're doing a new install of sketchup and you have a lot of rubies to add, i suggest placing the folder in your sidebar -- in the finder window, just drag the plugins folder into the sidebar under 'places' (in the same place as Applications, user, desktop, etc) you'll then have one click access to your plugin folder or you can just drag/drop your rubies there)