How to modify Default Layer Geometry Ruby
I wanted to have an alternative version of this ruby script that defaults everything to a layer1 which I created.
I altered the script so all references ( and the ruby file name) are changed to "layer1" instead of "layer" but I cannot actually figure out how to set the appropriate variable to actually do that.
I am not a ruby programmer so I don't know anything.
It looks to me that this bit :"layer=nil" is just keeping the layer that components and groups are associated with stay the same as is.
So, what do I change please. Many thanks.
This is TIG's script below with my changes:=begin
Copyright 2008, TIG (c)
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
purpose, and currently without fee, is hereby granted, provided that
this text and the above copyright (c) notice appear in all copies.
This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied
warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.Name: default_layer1_geometry.rb
Description: Defaults all layers for all selected geometry to layer1 ( susan sorger December 2008).
Groups and Instances are not changed
BUT their contents are zeroed
Author: TIG
Usage: 1. Select one of more entities.
2. Activate the script from the Plugins Menu
History: 1.0 20080310 First issue.
require 'sketchup.rb'
class DefaultLayer1Geometry
def to_default(entity)
entity.definition.entities.each{|e|to_default(e)}if entity.typename=="ComponentInstance"
entity.entities.each{|e|to_default(e)}if entity.typename=="Group"
entity.layer=nil if entity.typename!="ComponentInstance" and entity.typename!="Group"
### only processes non-group or compo-def layers
end#def to_default
def process()
end#def process
end#classdef default_layer1_geometry
if not Sketchup.active_model.selection[0]
UI.messagebox("Default Layer1 Geometry:\nSelect Objects BEFORE Running.")
return nil
Sketchup.active_model.start_operation("Default Layer1 Geometry")
if not file_loaded?(is_this_file)"Plugins").add_item("Default Layer1 Geometry") {default_layer1_geometry}
file_loaded(is_this_file) -
Oh that's amazing. Thanks so so much!
Because 'nil' == "layer0" (or whatever the default layer might be called in another language)
To set things to "layer1" you use...
This assumes that 'layer1' already exists... if you want to make sure that it does first then add this line early on in the script...
¡ No problema !
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