Bugsplat Upon Opening
Has anyone else had problems with the following rubies? I copied them to my SU7 Plugins folder, then upon opening, everything was a splat!
Problem rubies (at least for me)Podium (had to re-install, now everything works with Podium)
Sketchy Physics
TTimeedit (by TBD)
Eric, put the rubys one by one, each time running SU to see which one causes the splat - also a snapshot of the folder would help
I think this is already the result of such an experiment as I remember.
i see, in these cases i always start from scratch - if you want, you can download my rubyset. it is a collection of many plugins (for pc but may work on mac) - maybe you'd find it useful.
http://www.quarr-it.com look in resources
(i'm also working on an updated set coming out sometime 'soon')