DC Exploration #3 - Scaling and Copying
Here are some Kitchen cabinets that I've been working on. Most proud of the Floor Drawer Unit with it's drawer boxes that scale along with the cabinet on the X axis.
Please note. This is a work in progress.
Has anyone figured this out, by chance? I know it's been a while, but I have an application for it, and I'm racking my brain trying to figure out how to make it work. For mine, it's more of a "snake" component, where the user begins with one part, then selects 1 of 3 interactable "buttons" that creates a copy in one of the directions, turning the copy to fit. The link below should make sense of what I'm saying. Thanks in advance!
@chris fullmer said:
Ahh, yes I was thinking about this Jim, and I thought it was simple. But I started playing with it and in about 5 minutes I saw just how not simple it really is. The random width means that the amount of copies will vary depending on the width of the books. That is tricky!
I had a thought on placing them though. Each X should be the X of the previous (called "LastX") + the LenX of the previous (called LastLenX"). So what about each component passes its X and LenX out to a custom attribute in the parent component. So the next copy created would look to "parent!lastX" and "parent!LastLenX" to figure out its new X. Then after it sets its X and LenX, it writes its current state to the parent, overwriting the previous states and the cycle continues. So it runs like this
X=parent!LastX + Parent!LastLenX (These values will be zero since they have not been filled yet)
LenX=3 (randomly chosen)
<<<Sends X to parent!LastX>>> (which is 0)
<<<Sends LenX to Parent!LastLenX>>> (which is 3)
X=parent!LastX + Parent!LastLenX (Now this reduces to 0 + 3)
<<<Sends X to parent!LastX>>> (which is now 3)
<<<Sends LenX to Parent!LastLenX>>> (which is now 2)
X=parent!LastX + Parent!LastLenX (Now this reduces to 3 + 2)
<<<Sends X to parent!LastX>>> (which is now 5)
<<<Sends LenX to Parent!LastLenX>>> (which is 4)Anyhow, its all theoretical since I am not on an SU7 enlightened computer at the moment. I hope that makes sense. In my mind it does, but I'm sure it will probably fall apart due to something I've forgotten. Anyhow, think about it