[IDEA] Particle cloud
Here's a concept. I don't know if I can be done or not, but I'm just throwing the idea out here and I'm curious to what you lot have to say.
- You create a volume geometry in any shape. (Closed shape)
- Make it into a group or component.
- Then right click and "Create Particle Cloud"
- The ruby then creates a number of construction points inside the volume. (Of course it'd be nice to have an option window where you set the density and clustering options.)
- Then you can choose a component, or multiple, which will populate the cloud inserting at the component axis point. (The display of the components can be toggled between geometry, construction points or both.)
This way we'd have a crude set of particle system.
The idea comes from when I was using 3DS Max and was playing around with particles. I created smoke by instancing rectangular planes that was always facing the camera (face me components) with a radial gradient from white to transparent. That's just one thing you could do, much more fun stuff could be done with this.What's your thoughts?
You could make your little clouds, then use this: http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=6913 to randomly place them all in a certain area.
I had component spray in mind when thinking of this idea. Though, the working of what I propose it still somewhat different.
What ruby are your using for quad modeling viewports?
@earthmover said:
What ruby are your using for quad modeling viewports?
No ruby. It's another application. Rhino. http://www.rhino3d.com/ NURBS modelling.