US Election results.
@rickw said:
@unknownuser said:
I hope he will be a bridge builder and that the awful partisan rhetoric can be put behind us.
Sure, but the bridge probably only has a one-way lane going to the left. I will be thoroughly shocked if the "most liberal senator" does anything meaningful to reach out to conservatives.
He's going to have trouble finding a way to pay for building that bridge too, what with all the scalpels and pork he's been talking about.
@rickw said:
@unknownuser said:
I hope he will be a bridge builder and that the awful partisan rhetoric can be put behind us.
Sure, but the bridge probably only has a one-way lane going to the left. I will be thoroughly shocked if the "most liberal senator" does anything meaningful to reach out to conservatives.
Then prepare to be shocked. I'm fairly certain the Democrats aren't gonna toss away the chance to win big in 2012.
I was surprised by BHO's pick for Chief of Staff. Rohm Immaneuel??? Not exactly a washington outsider. He's about as beltway as it gets. and he makes Karl Rove look like a Panda Bear. So much for bridges.
Let's wait and see. If they blow this strategic opportunity to ensure political succes for years to come ... they oughta be banished to Antarctica.
I'm a leftist, but if I was elected Prez, I'd be blowing smoke up moderate conservative behinds all over the place. Err, I mean I'd try to forge a broad coalition.
Geez guys, give him a chance to prove himself.
He is not even in the whitehouse yet and the speculations and criticism has started. What's next a rejection of his choice of puppy?On a side note however, getting a pitbull puppy with some red lipstick would be seen a a bridge gapping right?
Obama doesn't need to build a coaltion, he's got 54, or so, democrats in the Senate and significant majority in the House. He's a leftie's leftie. Hell, he is even more left than Bernie Sanders, the admitted socialist from Vermont. There is absolutely no reason to expect he'll govern any differently.
@rickw said:
Sure, but the bridge probably only has a one-way lane going to the left. I will be thoroughly shocked if the "most liberal senator" does anything meaningful to reach out to conservatives.
@bellwells said:
Obama doesn't need to build a coaltion, he's got 54, or so, democrats in the Senate and significant majority in the House. He's a leftie's leftie. Hell, he is even more left than Bernie Sanders, the admitted socialist from Vermont. There is absolutely no reason to expect he'll govern any differently.
If this is any indication of the attitude he'll be reaching out to: I give him little chance as well
@solo said:
Geez guys, give him a chance to prove himself.
He is not even in the whitehouse yet and the speculations and criticism has started.It started months ago - it's just continuing.
But seriously, mine was strictly a pragmatic statement. He has a Dem House and Senate - what need has he for moving right, or building bridges? (I wouldn't necessarily expect a Rep President with a Rep Congress to move left, either - it would only alienate the base that elected him/her.) Equally scary, Congress has a Dem President. Pelosi and Reed (et al) will come up with plenty of junk on their own, and I doubt they could come up with anything too far left for Obama's taste.
@solo said:
Geez guys, give him a chance to prove himself...What's next a rejection of his choice of puppy?
Did he get a Puppy? (He looks more like a cat person). Puppies can chew on furniture and pee on carpets. I wonder what kind of damage deposit he needs to pay to live in the White House?
It seems like the press are starting to crack-up in the aftermath of the entire article on the First Puppy. -
@ross macintosh said:
@solo said:
Geez guys, give him a chance to prove himself...What's next a rejection of his choice of puppy?
Did he get a Puppy? (He looks more like a cat person). Puppies can chew on furniture and pee on carpets. I wonder what kind of damage deposit he needs to pay to live in the White House?
I've often wondered that myself. And don't forget the damage a cat's claws can do. They must keep them out of the state rooms, which comprises the basement and first floor, and a few rooms on the second floor.
I don't care what kind of dog Obama gets as long as he names it George.
@solo said:
And you asked Rick to be dignified in losing??? I knew the left was going to gloat and act like this.
@unknownuser said:
Geez guys, give him a chance to prove himself.
No. I was just raising an eyebrow at his choice for chief of staff. I would never question a man's right to choose a puppy. as long as lipstick is in the discussion, maybe he should get a pig.
I think he should get 2 puppies. he's got to 2 little girls. let's name them Hope and Change.
BTW did you hear Barney the White House Dog bit a member of the WH press corps a day or so ago? I think it was Don Gagne of NPR.
@bellwells said:
@solo said:
And you asked Rick to be dignified in losing??? I knew the left was going to gloat and act like this.
Don't be too hard on them - it's not easy letting go of 8 years of irratational bitterness. Don't they know that prolonged hatred and unresolved anger issues can lead to serious health problems?
All in all, though, you were right - dems seem to be all about emotionalism. At least, it's sure being borne out here...
I suffered in silence through 8 years of Clinton (allowing Loral to transfer multiple warhead missile technology to the Chinese, the firing of ALL 50 US Attorneys, the pardoning of criminals like Mark Rich, on and on). I didn't cry and whine and threaten to move out of the country, nor did I gloat about Bush (both times) to my liberal friends.