The World Hopes for Its First President
Rather controversial title of a Newsweek article...addressing some of the ideas that have been sloshing around in my head since the Berlin speech:
Love to know from the world out there, as represented here, if this is at all accurate and/or represents similar ideas you have, thanks?
personally i really don't care much for the US presidential elections, i'm growing weary of all the press coverage of it too.
i am but one opinion though.
My God Tom, you need to wipe your chin.
@bellwells said:
My God Tom, you need to wipe your chin.
@unknownuser said:
...Look, if you had simply started this thread by asking: "Who else is looking forward to Obama's speech tonight?" and left it at that you would most likely received the serious response you wanted.
Guess you were wrong, huh.
@unknownuser said:
...Ugh Tom :puke: Your attitude really stinks lately...
Gee, I wonder why?!?
"Europe is thrilled by the prospect that whatever happens this week it will mean the end of George W. Bush (...)"
This is true. Even my father, who isn't quite the liberal his son is, is glad to see him go. People on both ends of the political spectre seem to agree on this one.
Which brings me to Obama: my stepbrother, on the extreme right, and sadly something of a xenophobe (to say the least), adores him. In his own words: "Black or not, I trust him. I have faith in him forging a better world for my kids."
Whoever I talk to, seems to feel Obama is the better choice. Better yet, they seem genuinely hopeful at the prospect of the man running the US. The consensus is that Obama just might be the guy who brings Europe and the US closer together.
To summarize: Obama gives people hope - people of all persuasions. This in itself amazes me. Warms my increasingly cynical heart.
Tom, pass the Kleenex.
@tomsdesk said:
@bellwells said:
My God Tom, you need to wipe your chin.
@unknownuser said:
...Look, if you had simply started this thread by asking: "Who else is looking forward to Obama's speech tonight?" and left it at that you would most likely received the serious response you wanted.
Guess you were wrong, huh.
@unknownuser said:
...Ugh Tom
Your attitude really stinks lately...
Gee, I wonder why?!?
All the political topics I can handle, but this?
Come on, there is no need for this in public. If you want to call each other Obama-huggers or McCain-lovers do so via PM.
People on both ends of the political spectre seem to agree on this one.
To summarize: Obama gives people hope - people of all persuasions. This in itself amazes me. Warms my increasingly cynical heart.In my opinion we've gotten to a strange and ridiculous place in politics in this country.( or maybe we've always been there, i don't know) If you're a conservative, liberals are the enemy, and vice versa. Just look at all the vitriol on some of these other threads.
The fact is if you agree to participate in this process, you agree to accept the outcome.
I see these bumper stickers that say " so and so, not my president" or " dont blame me, I voted for the other guy " And the always beloved dixie chicks announcing to the world " He's not our president". Such a childish, idiotic mentality.
I'm a conservative ( not the Bush kind). I wont vote for Obama, but it looks like the writing is on the wall. Looks like he's in.
I, as an adult , with children, have to hope he does well.
In short, My HOPE for Obama is that he doesnt blow it. -
@artwhore said:
...In short, My HOPE for Obama is that he doesnt blow it.
My biggest hope as well!
The focus of my question was the meat of the article, rather than the Obama popularity lead-in paragraphs. Seeing that amazing Berlin speech crowd started to coalesce all the tidbits of disgust I’d heard about our nation’s actions over the past eight years into the question of where the US stands in the world community…and where it ought to stand.
We have the largest economy in the free world, I think(?), and the largest military. We have the largest military presence outside our borders, the largest corporate presence, and the biggest political influence construct as well. Scary amount of power, and responsibility, if focused together without regard for the complete/world-view long-term consequences. (The recent bank and market collapses drove these fears home.)
I grew up thinking my nation’s world-wide interaction was mostly selfless acts of hope and protection…I was a child of the 50’s after all. I matured understanding there was a balancing act with rather piggish self-interest always in play…gotta love the awakening of the 70’s. I grew old watching it all tip way out of balance...there will be much written about the Bush years.
I’m now thinking it’s time for the US to find a new place for itself in this new world. I’m thinking it would be better for all concerned if we were just one of the gang, an equal partner…it would certainly be less responsibility and worry for us? I'm wondering what you out there in the rest of the world think?
@tomsdesk said:
Rather controversial title of a Newsweek article...addressing some of the ideas that have been sloshing around in my head since the Berlin speech:
Love to know from the world out there, as represented here, if this is at all accurate and/or represents similar ideas you have, thanks?
Just my thoughts: wondering how I would convert my thoughts into words on paper/internet my eye fell on one of the posted comments.
It just about sums it up for me.Comment: Of course "the world has never watched any vote, in any nation, so
closely"! Do you actually realize the incredible incompetence with which the US
have managed problems (which the US often created on their own!) in the past 8
years? Geez, please open your eyes and stop this unfounded narcissistic crap!I have never come to understand how you (not personal) could have elected a president so dumb and arrogant, not only once but twice in a row!!! Also a liar in many occasions, surrounded by some notorious liars. It wouldn’t even be that bad if not so many lifes were/are at stake. And that “only” for power and money.
Personally I hope the next US president will be Obama. Not that he will be our/my president. But it could be the change many people all over the world are looking for and hopefully it will bring the US back to what it is. Just a big country (not that many people) as part of a world that belongs to all of us.
Mind you, the US is a nice country with a lot of bright and friendly people. But what a mess you make out of politics and on where you should stand in the entire worldscene. And this country wants to ‘export’ democracy? What a laugh!
And let’s hope this time they’re able to count all votes right, without cheating!Wo3Dan
@unknownuser said:
The rest of the world, for its part, will see something different. America, already said to be on the decline, will look all the smaller for having failed to redeem itself with the election of a young black man with African and South Asian roots and a Middle Eastern middle name. And it will look smaller still for having had the opportunity to do so, yet failing to see the opportunity, let alone capitalize on it and breaking a line that goes back more than 200 years in the United States. To the rest of the world, in electing another Republican America will have appeared not only to extend the agonies of the Bush years, but to have missed a historical chance for which it's hard to find a precedent or parallel in any country: the ultimate triumph of a long-oppressed minority.
Man, what racially-motivated stupidity to say we should elect Obama because he's a minority. If someone said we should elect McCain because he's white, it would be equally stupid. Equally stupid is saying that electing Obama would "redeem" the USA.
Should we elect a black man as president? Sure, no problem - as long as he's the right one. Obama just isn't the right one.
@wo3dan said:
@tomsdesk said:
Rather controversial title of a Newsweek article...addressing some of the ideas that have been sloshing around in my head since the Berlin speech:
Love to know from the world out there, as represented here, if this is at all accurate and/or represents similar ideas you have, thanks?
Just my thoughts: wondering how I would convert my thoughts into words on paper/internet my eye fell on one of the posted comments.
It just about sums it up for me.Comment: Of course "the world has never watched any vote, in any nation, so
closely"! Do you actually realize the incredible incompetence with which the US
have managed problems (which the US often created on their own!) in the past 8
years? Geez, please open your eyes and stop this unfounded narcissistic crap!I have never come to understand how you (not personal) could have elected a president so dumb and arrogant, not only once but twice in a row!!! Also a liar in many occasions, surrounded by some notorious liars. It wouldn’t even be that bad if not so many lifes were/are at stake. And that “only” for power and money.
Personally I hope the next US president will be Obama. Not that he will be our/my president. But it could be the change many people all over the world are looking for and hopefully it will bring the US back to what it is. Just a big country (not that many people) as part of a world that belongs to all of us.
Mind you, the US is a nice country with a lot of bright and friendly people. But what a mess you make out of politics and on where you should stand in the entire worldscene. And this country wants to ‘export’ democracy? What a laugh!
And let’s hope this time they’re able to count all votes right, without cheating!Wo3Dan
LOL see what I mean. This is how the world views the US under the Bush administration, thought it was pretty obvious. Its time for change.
@rickw said:
@unknownuser said:
The rest of the world, for its part, will see something different. America, already said to be on the decline, will look all the smaller for having failed to redeem itself with the election of a young black man with African and South Asian roots and a Middle Eastern middle name. And it will look smaller still for having had the opportunity to do so, yet failing to see the opportunity, let alone capitalize on it and breaking a line that goes back more than 200 years in the United States. To the rest of the world, in electing another Republican America will have appeared not only to extend the agonies of the Bush years, but to have missed a historical chance for which it's hard to find a precedent or parallel in any country: the ultimate triumph of a long-oppressed minority.
Man, what racially-motivated stupidity to say we should elect Obama because he's a minority. If someone said we should elect McCain because he's white, it would be equally stupid. Equally stupid is saying that electing Obama would "redeem" the USA.
Should we elect a black man as president? Sure, no problem - as long as he's the right one. Obama just isn't the right one.
I don't think you understand Rick. Obama isn't just black, he is of mix-origin. In the world of embittered and renewed racial tension across the globe he is a symbol of an alternative. One of peaceful coexisting, post-racial world however unrealistic it might be. Race embodies a lot of meanings for which I am not ill placed to analyse. Safe to say just by being 'black' (which he is not! I hate it when people call him black when he is only half black!) he is already in a position to 'heal' alot of deep seated wounds, and isn't that worth something? If the history of the 'White man' and the 'Colored man' was 'symmetrical' I would be on your side. Fact is, it wasn't so it is completely hypocritical to pretend otherwise.
Amen, brother.
@chango70 said:
I hate it when people call him black when he is only half black!
Obama will be the States' first beige president.
@chango70 said:
@rickw said:
@unknownuser said:
...America, already said to be on the decline, will look all the smaller for having failed to redeem itself with the election of a young black man with African and South Asian roots and a Middle Eastern middle name...
Man, what racially-motivated stupidity to say we should elect Obama because he's a minority. If someone said we should elect McCain because he's white, it would be equally stupid. Equally stupid is saying that electing Obama would "redeem" the USA.
Should we elect a black man as president? Sure, no problem - as long as he's the right one. Obama just isn't the right one.
I don't think you understand Rick. Obama isn't just black, he is of mix-origin...
You completely missed his point. The Newsweek article is saying we need to elect Obama specifically because he's black, not because of his policies. This is liberal guilt, pure and simple.