Why vote Obama?
I'll trust you to tell me what he said. It will be the same old yarn re-woven.
@bellwells said:
@tomsdesk said:
Now this is who we have always been as a country...and I'm all for it:
Egalitarianism (derived from the French word égal, meaning equal) is a political doctrine that holds that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights.[1] Generally it applies to being held equal under the law and society at large.
Where, pray tell, did you get the idea that this country is all about economic equality? You can't be serious. EDIT: This country IS all about giving everyone the same economic opportunity, however.
Didn't say that quickdraw...note "rights" sim. "opportunity".
A little preview of Wednesday (Ron, about 6:30 in you'll find Barack agrees with you about economic opportunity :`)
This issue of economic rights he speaks of is not a new thought or concept. This country was founded on the principle of all men being created equal with equal access to the bounties of this wonderful land.
People are just eating up this nitwit's oratory skills. This is how gullible they are. It's all about the sheen and nothing about the substance. He's nothing more than a snake oil salesman with a huge advertising budget.
Bellwells wrote:
@unknownuser said:
He's nothing more than a snake oil salesman with a huge advertising budget.
You know, I will take the so called 'snake oil' you refer to with pleasure and even pay tax on it, as long as I do not get 4 more years of absolute crap and destruction, rediculous spending, war mongering, millionare favoring, internationaly alienating, nation dividing, lobbyist loving, catch phrase spinning, cloak and dagger leading bunch f*cks that have destroyed this country for the last 8 years. And you and I know Mccain is the same no matter how he tries to deny it.
Has Obama ever commented on Echelon?
Here's one reason to vote Obama.
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=HCXqKEs68XkGiven that she was addressing the funding for autism; and that recent studies using fruit flies have isolated a protein called neurexin which is vital for proper neurological functioning (quite apart from the obvious fact that all of modern genetics is based on the study of the little critters), maybe she's right. Maybe the money would be better spent on research into something like bluebirds...like the one's circling in that clear blue space between her ears.
Having read what you wrote, you seem to be holding back. Try to get your feelings out there.
So tell me. How do you really feel about the upcoming election and the candidates?
Do you mind if I try to formulate my opinion (and hopes) while we're waiting for Pete?
As it stands now, the United States scare me. The past years, they have shown a total and utterly cynical lack of respect for international law, human rights, the UN - you name it. I know some will regard me an extremist nut because of this (which in itself is, as far as I'm concerned, totally bonkers - the world upside down), but I feel that, currently, the US are a so-called 'rogue state' - a dangerous, heavily armed Einzelgänger.
I hope Barack Obama will change this. Furthermore, I hope that, if McCain wins, and if he continues the US's current approach, Europe will finally do something. No, no idea what.
I hope that, after 8 years of politicial and moral obscurantism, the more enlightened part of the American electorate will finally get a chance to weigh upon the US's policies.
To use a phrase that Ron used quite appropriately I'm quite frankly tired or 'Parsing the Bulls@#t'. Both sides are spewing it at a rate that is impossible to keep up with and make sense of. I keep reading these political threads (I still don't know why) because they make me feel even more justified in voting for Ralph Nader. He and his running mate Matt Gonzalez are NO BULLS@#T, no parsing required. They both have excellent records of public service and just plain honesty. You just don't hear the same type of stuff being kicked around about them as you do for the 2-headed monster currently fighting itself. They are wise and intelligent advocates of the people. I used to get fired up and angry and frustrated reading this stuff, not anymore. I'm voting the issues and voting my conscience and that feels good to me. It's nice because I don't have to watch the news or tap into the 24-hour news/spin cycle because they never talk about 3rd parties, and I don't have to watch the debates. It's pretty nice, I recommend it.
Ralph Nader. .unsafe at any speed.
At least you know HE won't be spending $150,000 on a wardrobe. I don't think he's spent $1.50 on clothes since 1967!
@ehaflett said:
...I'm voting the issues and voting my conscience and that feels good to me. It's nice because I don't have to watch the news or tap into the 24-hour news/spin cycle because they never talk about 3rd parties, and I don't have to watch the debates. It's pretty nice, I recommend it.
Thanks Eric, I needed this to further validate my voting for Bob Barr. I had suggested I might change my vote to McCain if I got mad enough at the liberal media. Thanks for bringing me back from the edge...
@unknownuser said:
Has Obama ever commented on Echelon?
What's Eschelon? I googled it and found some references to the wire tap portion of the Patriot Act. Is this what your referring to?
An electronic world-wide data interception network. The UK participates in it as well, if I'm not wrong.
Someone must have something to hide. And, we know who you are...
I'm part of it. I am watching you right now.
Put your pants back on! EEWWW!
Hey, I think I finally found that "liberal press" some of you guys have been talking about. What a HOOT! Thanks for the heads up!
Rachel Maddow, shes a tough one. I must admit she is way left of even the liberal media ... kinda like Hannity's opposite.