Presidential attributes I desire…
I want my president to be among the most, if not the most, intelligent person in the room.
I want my president to have the demeanor, and the fortitude, to stand eye-to-eye with the leaders of any nation, friend or foe, successfully explaining what we as a nation will respect…and what we will not tolerate.
I want my president to have the respect of the governments of the world, and of their citizens…at the least. (And I would very much enjoy it if my president was well liked by the citizens of our allies.)
I want my president to have personal experience communicating, working, and struggling, face to face, with people from a broad range of income classes, educational levels and backgrounds, and cultures.
I want my president to understand a “consumer driven economy” needs consumers…the more the better. And so, since 90% of our citizens are middle income or lower, I want my president to support policies which strengthen middle class and its buying power, thus strengthening the foundations of our economy; to support policies which help citizens pull themselves up and out of poverty, thus creating a new generation of consumers to further strengthen our country.
I want my president to understand the health of our citizens directly affects the health of our country, and citizens worries about attaining health care distracts them from devoting their best, and so stifles the growth of our nation.
I want my president to realize supporting policies which raise the educational level of all our citizens is paramount to meeting the challenges of the future, both for us here in America and for America as it interacts with the world.
I want my president to understand one of the functions of the government is to take charge and set the direction for the nation, to legislate the opportunity for change, especially when the status quo has failed and the future looks more troubling.
(I am sure my choice in this election is well equipped with these attributes…I think better equipped, of course I do. I hope he maintains the will, and gains the opportunity, to attain the goals he describes and I wish for.)
I want my president to be self-assured enough to choose from the best and brightest America has to offer without regard to what side of the aisle they come from. -
And I want your president (hell, any leader at any level in any country) to be smart enough to understand that 'respect' is not even close to 'fear'.