SU7 is taking so long because...
@elysium said:
because they just can't find anyone willing to replace Bryce in V7 as the more deleted person in history.
No, no,
The only feature of SU 7 that has been leaked out is that Bryce is to be replaced with Tricia(if I remember right, it was somewhere in these forums)
Google wants to give us time to finish the discussions about religion and politics, and to agree about them...
@unknownuser said:
The only feature of SU 7 that has been leaked out is that Bryce is to be replaced with Tricia
Yeah there has been a change, due to popular support and a write in campaign they decided a winning product needed something special. (we love you still Tricia
You're really in love with this guy, aren't you Pete? Do you have his picture in your wallet? Or posters in your office?
As someone mentioned earlier, the ruby coders have done such a marvelous job with after market improvements, who needs SU7. Well, maybe for multi-core processors.
Time to break my nda: Bryce will be replaced by ... me. That's right. I'll be looking especially handsome for the occasion, wearing a scruffy old bathrobe and and pair of coffee-stained baggy shorts. Furthermore, the name 'SketchUp' will be no more. Our favorite app will be renamed 'StinkUp'. Oh, that arrow-like thingy? Will be replaced by a Gauloise.
You tease us so, stinkie.
@elysium said:
because they just can't find anyone willing to replace Bryce in V7 as the more deleted person in history.
HAHAHAHA LOL! ...who will it be...???
@remus said:
You tease us so, stinkie.
Then get this: one click with the Gauloise, and the shorts come off. Totally new feature! Max got that? Maya? Lightwave? The hell they do!
On a more serious note, they ever done a contest of sorts in this regard? "Be the new SU guy/gal!" Would be fun.
SU7 is taking so long because...SU8 is just around the corner and so now we may as well just wait for that!
It makes me feel
just talking about it, just realease it forget the troubles and sort it out in 8. Come on..please
Whats would be the point in that jeff...i can imagine the threads already 'wheres SU 8?', 'Are there any dates for SU 8?'
I agree with remus. better wait another month and get a fantastic new release, that being disapointed by SU7.
all I wan't, is an official "Guys, we are working on it hard. And it is going to be amazing!!!" from Google
... because Google's negotiations with Autodesk are taking longer than expected.
...because they discussing:
...because they are working on it hard. And it is going to be amazing
@burkhard said:
...because they are working on it hard. And it is going to be amazing
What a ludicrous suggestion.
plot-paris like to hear it. He get what he want. From Google or from me, not really a great difference.
yes, I am still very young and therefore believe in virtues like, honesty, hope, faithfulness - and Google SketchUp 7 to be a hit
...because the development team caught the flue. (i know, very corny)
Because AutoDesk bought it and no one is brave enough to tell us.