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Happy Birthay, Susan!!
@ spicy sausage.
Oh behave!!!
Hope you had a great time, enjoy the rest of it.
Happy Birthay, Susan.
oh I get it!!!
No I didn't get any. -
...Congratulation to you!
Happy Birthday, Susan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Susan
Belated Happy Birthday, Susan.
thank you thank you thank you thank you.
Gee I wish the real world were like this.
Boldog szuletesnapot, Zsuzsa!
(Bocsanat, ezen a gepen nincsenek magyar, ekezetes billentyuk) -
Kuszy Szep ?????
Wishing you a most happy (but belated)birthday. Many more kiddo.
Best wishes,
Hi Susan, hi folks.
Happy Birthday
Sorry I missed this.
Happy Birthday Susan, I hope you did not party as hard as this pup. -
Sorry, but belated best wishes anyway.