Render Poll
That's what the 'other' is for.
In all fairness if we include lightup and Artlantis we would then have to add one of the other great ones out there which has not been mentioned.
hello, I want to comment on some things about the survey.
Artlantis: I think we should go in the other section because in the time to participate in this forum do not recall having seen a lot of work with that software.
Vue is a landscape modeling program that has a motor rendering, is not only a rendering engine, has an excellent integration with sketchup because skp files can be opened without any problems, but I do not think we rioja be seen as an engine to render sketchup I think it is much more than that.The survey is designed to get the best, but only from a personal opinion, not just to create controversy, so if someone is undecided can choose to see results and know that will not be very wrong if you choose the most voted
Boys: Render all engines are good ... just need to know to use them.
@edson said:
to speak of a best render engine is like referring to the best beer, the best football club, the most beautiful woman...
This talk should be, I think, as difficult to one person tested all renders engines, as well as to try all sorts of beer, or get acquainted with all the beautiful women:)
I also really like Vue, and not only for the beautiful surroundings, trees and stones, there are very convenient and friendly done, sometimes difficult of course, but very encouraged by the limitless possibilities!
In Vue little modeling tools so that it can be safely attributed to the renders engines, in which the truth instead of photography background, we can create it is almost real...But Hypershot voted as the most intensively developing, modern and fast
While it's truly
difficult to get acquainted with all the beautiful women, you can always try at least...
As we have said, before to get acquainted with a beautiful woman, you think that there's always the guys who are dreaming to get rid of her:)
Also, and render engines, it is desirable to know not only advertisements but also their problems, before thoroughly explore .. . -
Wow, browsing old threads can be interesting!
Povray shouldn't be overlooked. It's free and there is now SU2POV exporter. Povray has no GUI of it's own, so people shy away from it. Some arch apps I have used include organic links to Povray. With my basic rendering skills, I have found it to be a pretty fine renderer. Haven't tried SU2POV but will soon.
I used POV for fun years ago... without a modeler. Loved to see things come to life out of text. It was magic, but time-consuming.
I guess that way you get to see the nuts and bolts of how the renderer works. I see you are aKT user...have you used recent versions of Povray? How do you like it as a renderer, I mean, assuming it has a pretty front end (like say SU2POV)?
would be good to update the options on the survey as it did long ago, it can be changed without losing the results, some moderator can do?
add Artlantis, vue, povray, do not think that engine should be.
I think a good idea to do -
Well, a mod could certainly do it but you, as the poster of the first post with the poll should also be able to do it - however I'm not sure if the current results would be lost but even if not, I doubt you could get a fair result as the current "competitors" already have votes and people who otherwise would have voted for something else now could not change their votes (or if you change that as well, not sure if they come back to change or vote again).
If you're going to start a new poll, I'd suggest a more objective question, like "What render application do you use the most with your SketchUp models?"
And don't forget to add POV, Vue and perhaps even LightUp, although it is actually one of a kind.
you're right Gaieus , misses many of the views that are already in the survey.
with respect to make it more objective, the main idea was to know which was the best from the perspective of each, not to evaluate performance quickly or benefits of each.
A future survey could add PovRay, Artlantis Irender also be treading too strong, would be much better.
With regard to Vue that I should not be classified as a rendering engine like anything else, because in reality is a much more comprehensive program that has a very good integration with sketchup because you do not need plugins to open the files.What we really want to understand that this survey (as I said) is not to create controversy, but only to see what the program most used by the rendering we use sketchup.
Sorry for my English
This may have been suggested before, but maybe we could run a challenge to produce a render of some chosen model. People could use the renderer of their choice, using their renders to prove their point...better than through verbal discussion. The proof of the pudding...
Su2pov3 produced great renders (especially interior renders) with very reasonable set up time for me. The PC plugin interface is easy to use, and provides diffuse, brilliance, specular, reflection, roughness, graininess, and bump sliders. It provides point, and spot lights with controls for spread, power, and other features I do not recall off hand.
My installation had some problems, but I was able to find workarounds for everything (Search this forum for my comments if you need to). One problem I had was with the path names of Cad blocks that were imported via dxf. Blocks become components in SU. Su2Pov3 uses the path name in the identification of components, and pov would hang when it found "" in the name. If you stick to models built in SU, there should be no problem. In addition, pov dosn't work well with textures on a back face.
No software has it all, this is a good one.
thanks for that hd. Also another good thing about POV is that, being (more or less) open source, it continues to develop and grow in an independent way.
and of course it runs on windows linux and mac
can I adjust the reflectivity for individual materialswith su2pov? I've never seen any sliders before. Please let me in on this!
I've been using POVray for 10+ years and consider it a very capable renderer.
I'd like to see the developers of the su2pov3 plugin release the source (the current version appears to be compiled). I would like to see if I can add support for the POVray SDL (Scene Description Language) and possibly a texture creation dialog to be called from inside of SU... -
The ruby is encrypted. Its author is a active, very busy member on this forum. Perhaps you can work with him.