Saturday Nite Live VP Debate Opener
This is absolutely hilarious! Tina Fey is dead on as usual, but Jason nails Bidens hand gestures and smile poses perfectley. I think this skit takes great shots at both sides including the "biased" moderator. I just can't get enough of Tina Fey dong Palin..this was her best yet. Whoever wrote it really hit the ball out of the park as well...
Very good.
Thanks for the link.Mr S
Too funny.
Now I do not know what Tina fey's political leaning is but I am sure she must be hoping for a McCain/Palin win as that will give her 4 more years too.
Actually I saw an interview with her and she said she definitely did NOT want to play Palin for 4 more years. (Political leaning implied)
My favorite part... when she pulls the flute out
"Well.... we dont know if this 'climate change whosie-whats-it' is man made.... or just a natural part of End of Days"
@fella77 said:
This absolutely hilarious! Tina Fey is dead on as usual, but Jason nails Bidens hand gestures and smile poses perfectley. I think this skit takes great shots at both sides including the "biased" moderator. I just can't get enough of Tina Fey dong Palin..this was her best yet. Whoever wrote it really hit the ball out of the park as well...
I agree, nobody in the history of comedy has done a better job than Fey is doing with Palin, not even Rich Little in his heyday. This skit is stomach grabbing, knee slapping hilarious.
Edit: I just watched this again. The guy who play Biden did a tremendous job, too. I thought the bit about Scranton being a hell-hole and all, was hilarious. Probably one of the funnier parts, IMO.
Great piece of satire. It stuck pretty much to the flow-chart.
And another one of Sarah's fans