[Req] Texture Corrector.... PLEASE
So, from what I understand of the plugin, it takes the real world co-ordinates of four point and their >>UV mapping, which then is transferred directly to the other side? And it doesn't require the face to >>have four vertices because you sample four points out of the total points and that's enough to place >>the texture correct?
Exactly how it works. However, I think it may fail with a face of only 3 vertices though. I didint check the UVHelper data - it just worked.
Bill Wood
Yea. I didn't test it myself. Thought of it when I made the post. Might have to test that out and make some modification for triangle faces.
Once again Bill, thank you very much. I have 5 DVD sets of XFrog trees which was of no good due to the messed up backfaces.
I just ran it one a tree where the leaf face was split into two triangles and the texture didn't turn out right. The entity info reports that the material is on the backface, but in the viewport it's just a clear transparent colour.
So I will have to made amendment for triangles. but the good thing is that it didn't bugsplat SU.
beautiful bill! excellent work!
I tested your code ... work work work ... so I am very happy ...I have done tests with the attachment of free agent: texture to fix- and with some of my models of plants and point out these problems:
1] Unfortunately, the code works perfectly from the face below the one above [ent.material = ent.back_material]
2] I proceeded to change the code, of course, follow your footsteps,
"get_back_UVQ to get_front_UVQ
ent.material = ent.back_material to ent.back_material = ent.material "the ruby turns ... no errors but no results ... boh!3] also on some files (small) I go in BUG Splat!
1] ruby with changes according to your advice
2] bill's ruby
3] some SKP trees
[1] ruby with changes according to your advice](/uploads/imported_attachments/n75v_BILLW_011.rb)
[2] bill's ruby](/uploads/imported_attachments/1FRl_BILLW_010.rb)
I did notice that if the faces have only tree points the ruby doesn't handle that. But I've not experienced any bugsplats.
I did run into bugsplat when I tried to transfer material from a face that didn't have an material applied. Solved that by adding a check.Just to make sure David, the problem you're experiencing is that you can transfer from back to front, but not from front to back? And some times you get bug plats? Does this happen with Bill's code or with mine? Both?
Does that faces have less then four corners?
TomTom, the bug come only with BILLW_010.rb.
I test your ... don't splat but don't work
can you test with my plant?CIAO!!!
[3] some SKP trees](/uploads/imported_attachments/z05o_vivaio.zip)
Didn't seem to have any problems. Attached is your model with the result.
vivaio.zipDid you click on "Frontface to Backface" or "Backface to Frontface"?
sorry sorry sorry ... probably I click bkface to front ...
now work ....
i'm very happy
WOW! VERY cool plug! Thank You so much! i have to import a lot of trees into sketchup these days - without this nice tool it would be nearly impossible to get the textures right!
one question: would it be possible to write a ruby that can center a texture to the face it has been applied - some of the trees i import have many of their leaf textures not centered on both sides... any idea how this could be fixed
Can you post a screenshot? And what trees is it? XFrog?
ooo that would be quite interesting, not just centering but conforming to the quad it is applied to, like a square texture image will stretch itself to fit a retangle face, that would help for remapping leaf textures in sketchup, althought sketchups new export to photoshop option kinda does that already, it should have extra handy uses... is that possible, that would be an awesome plugin
sorry for the delay...
the trees are xfrog - but i have problems with decentered textures with other models too...
i've done some testing with the xfrog trees - there is a difference if i apply the "front to back" tool to the component (containing all leaves) or open the component to select all faces
to correct the textures...
at the moment i open the the component all textures get messed up forever. no way to restore the original coordinates.
correcting the coordinates of the component works! but if i open it after correcting...no way to go back - only reloading the file can fix it
here's an example:would it be possible to write a ruby that centers and resizes the textures?
i was really hoping for better texturing tools in v7...
...and for high poly + x64 + multi core support...