Lighting and rendering (Su2Pov)
I have had some success at lighting and rendering living room size spaces, but small rooms with a variety of ceilings and lots of reflective surfaces is difficult. I am using Su2Pov v3.2 because its easy (I am lazy), and I like the default colors its rendering produces. My problem seem to be:
Reflections: The freestanding glass is a pulled face, all surfaces painted with Su glass. Should I change the Su color?, What percent of transparency in is best? Anything else?
Multiple shadows: Look at the bands at the intersection of the soffit and ceiling. I use fuzzy halogen spots with wide apertures, 90 to 135 mostly (360) on occasion. I first place the light down from the ceiling, then up at various heights off the floor to light the ceiling. Any suggestions?
Sharp textures: I think that the textures are too sharp for the scale of the room. Can anything be done at the level of Su?
Mirrors: are a white face behind, then a pulled face with transparent Su glass over. Any better way to make one?
The renderings of larger spaces have some of these characteristics, but because of their scale, it doesn't seem to matter as much. Don't have to be kind. This is really my first shot at anything like this, and it looks like I could use some advice so that I can get pass this level and add some details.
I hope you do not mind me adding 'Su2Pov' to your title, as I do not use the app and it may attract the help you need from the developer or knowledgable user.